Indiana Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Purdue University
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The Lion's Tale Fall 2013 The Chapter Maintains Top-Tier Status S AE Purdue is doing well and continues to lead in every way. The chapter has every reason to be proud of its many achievements. As Eminent Archon Danny Romano '15 notes in his letter in this newsletter, grades are way up, live-in headcount exceeds our targets, total chapter membership continues to climb, financials are healthy, and social activities place us in the lead at Purdue. Just as importantly, chapter brotherhood and spirit are surging to new levels. When I returned to campus to work with the chapter during the critical first week of fall recruitment, countless brothers expressed to me their eagerness to excel in recruitment—both for SAE's benefit and to best other fraternities in pledging the best guys available. My goal had been to pledge 40 (up from last year's goal of 35), but the chapter consensus target quickly rose to 45. As a side note, our goal is to pledge approximately 65 men annually in order to become the largest fraternity on campus and to offset the unfortunate, but predictable, effects of attrition. Not only did the chapter meet its fall target of 45, but the chapter was also able to close recruitment after just two weeks instead of the four that most other fraternities require. The chapter's spirit and can-do attitude was palpable, which made me proud to be an SAE. The chapter continues to work hard to improve alumni relations, and you will find your hand gets a workout from shaking hands with all the undergraduate brothers who will greet you when you visit. Better yet, visit at a time when you can have lunch or dinner at the house so you can get a better feel for the great vibe at SAE Purdue. The chapter's spirit, academic, and social strengths place SAE at the top of the Purdue Greek hierarchy. You should be proud of our chapter. I hope to see you this fall. Phi Alpha, Wayne McIntyre '64 House Corporation Vice President Looking Forward to a Successful Semester T he Purdue Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon is getting back into the swing of things after a relaxing summer. I truly believe this will be a great year and I know we will continue improving ourselves and our chapter, further bolstering our position on campus. BY THE NUMBERS Indiana Beta has some good news to disclose. Our chapter had the 15th-highest G.P.A. last semester with a 2.81. We are ranked sixth for our cumulative house average of 2.92. We are striving to improve our grades even more this year. In order to continue motivating each other to succeed, a new scholarship program has been established, setting aside $10,000 for prestige in academics and $10,000 for prestige in leadership. For the greater good, we took in $9,200, placing us third in dollars raised through philanthropies. Also, we were the fifth-largest fraternity on campus last year! Keeping this momentum going, we're seeing strong success in recruitment. RECRUITMENT SUCCESS All the new SAE brothers after their initiation at the Indiana Beta house. At this time, we have 45 high quality men who have accepted bids. We're really proud of our recruitment efforts and look forward to our upcoming events to recruit even more quality future brothers. (Continued on page 2) S IGM A A LPHA EPS IL ON A T P U RD U E U NIV E RS IT Y