Desert Messenger

May 15, 2024

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I offer you peace I offer you love I offer you friendship I see your beauty I hear your need I feel your feelings My wisdom flows from the highest source I salute that source in you Let us work together For unity and peace. - GANDHI'S PRAYER FOR PEACE May 15, 2024 3 NEW SUMMER HOURS Monday - Thursday 7am - 3pm Friday - Sunday 7am - 7pm HAPPY VALLEY PHARMACY 60 W. MAIN STREET, QUARTZSITE, AZ 928-927-5300 60 W. MAIN STREET, QUARTZSITE, AZ HOURS - THRU MAY Monday - Thursday 9am - 4pm. Friday 9am-12:30pm. Closed daily for lunch from 12:30-1:30pm and closed weekends. STARTING JUNE 3 the pharmacy will be closed on Fridays until October. The Quartzsite GFWC Women's Club is sponsoring a Vitalant Blood Drive Monday May 18, 2024, 9am to 1pm. Walk-ins are always welcome, but it is faster if you pre-register. Call Vitalant 877-258-4825 or Becky Johnstone 208-634-9304. Blood Drive May 18 When we hate our enemies, we are giving them power over us: power over our sleep, our appetites, our blood pressure, our health, and our happiness. Dale Carnegie

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