Phi Kappa Psi - University of Michigan

Spring 2024 Newsletter

Michigan Alpha Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity at the University of Michigan

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THE SOPHON Michigan Alpha Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi Phi Kappa Psi University of Michigan Spring 2024 Michigan Alpha Suspended CHAPTER TO RETURN BY 2026 U nfortunately, this letter contains information about a status change for Michigan Alpha Chapter at the University of Michigan. In April 2022, a report was provided to the university regarding alleged university policy violations in October 2021. Investigation The university initiated an investigation immediately. Upon completion in May 2022, the chapter was found responsible for violating university policies, resulting in a suspension by the University of Michigan for four years. Following the closure, our chapter has surrendered its charter as of July 2023. Future Outlook Michigan Alpha will return to campus no later than August 2026, when our recolonization efforts will begin. All current undergraduate members are hereby immediately advanced to alumni status by the fraternity. The status change is not a punishment by the fraternity; they'll maintain all the rights as an alumni member of the fraternity, including networking and alumni events. Status with UM While the outcome of the fraternity's hearing does not impact the personal records of our members, it does reflect the status of the chapter: members who remain students at UM should understand there is no longer an active chapter of Phi Kappa Psi on campus. There are to be no organized meetings, events, philanthropic activities, intramurals, social events, or other activity under the banner of Phi Kappa Psi. Additionally, no other registered trademark of the organization shall be promoted, represented, or held in a manner that would convey the operation of a Phi Kappa Psi chapter at UM. Furthermore, any acts of defamation, slander, intimidation, harassment, establishment of a rogue group or fraternity, underground meetings, disturbances and/or interferences that occur, could delay our return to campus. The fraternity will work concertedly with UM alumni and university leadership to ensure a strong chapter is reinstalled on campus that proudly exemplifies Phi Psi and UM's traditions of excellence. If you have any questions about this information and/or the decision, please contact headquarters at (317) 632-1852 or by emailing In the Bond, Ronald K. Ransom II Butler '00 Executive Director (317) 275-3416 MICHIGAN ALPHA'S CURRENT STATUS A lthough the update shared regarding Michigan Alpha in this newsletter is unfortunate, I see a bright future ahead. Those of us who volunteer our time to the success of Michigan Alpha are not deterred. We are blessed with great young men who reside at 630 Oxford. They take care of the property and keep the bills paid. Most importantly, they accept the current situation as mature adults and are respectful of the decisions that have been made. We will weather this storm and have great updates for you in the near future. I'm sure of it. In the Bond, Roger Goodrich '80 House Corporation President A Test of Brotherhood Roger is running as a Republican for State Representative in Michigan District 58. Turns out 58 is one of three (out of 110) that has good potential for being flipped from Democrat to Republican. Maybe because Roger is the candidate? The current split is 54/54 with 2 seats open. The email Roger is using for the campaign is Thank you!

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