Sigma Chi - Gettysburg College

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Theta Chapter of Sigma Chi at Gettysburg College

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The BATTLEFIELD SIG theta Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity at Gettysburg college Fall 2023 2023 is no ordinary year for the men of Theta Chapter. In fact, it marks another milestone in the legacy of our chapter—160 years have passed since Sigma Chi first arrived in Gettysburg. WILL WE SEE YOU THERE? To commemorate this remarkable achievement, the House Corporation will be hosting a 160th Anniversary Gala on March 23, 2024, to celebrate our storied history. See the back page for more detailed information! HONORING OUR BROTHERHOOD Members of the House Corporation and Theta alumni have partnered with the undergraduate brothers to instill our history and the impact Sigma Chi has made on all its members and community throughout the decades. Our goal is to reinforce those values at each chapter meeting so they may serve as a reminder of the true meaning of our brotherhood. Due in part to the House Corporation's continued engagement and investment in the chapter, we have earned the Outstanding House Corporation Blue Award for the second consecutive year. This is an unprecedented feat in the history of the House Corporation. The achievement was awarded to only 22 house corporations throughout the fraternity. FRATERNITY HOUSING AT GETTYSBURG In other news, Gettysburg College is seeking to homogenize their housing contracts with each fraternity in college-owned housing. Considering this development, the House Corporation is zealously advocating for a fair housing agreement with the Office of Student and Greek Life that not only favors our undergraduate members but the residential Greek community as a whole. STAY CONNECTED WITH US! Be on the lookout for more information regarding alumni events, chapter and campus developments, and opportunities to engage with the chapter. The House Corporation actively operates alumni groups on both Facebook (Sigma Chi Theta Alumni Network) and LinkedIn (Sigma Chi Gettysburg Alumni Network) to quickly share any Theta-related news and events, and to help our undergraduates build their first professional networks. In Hoc, Kevin M. Isky '21 Another Milestone in Theta History Another Milestone in Theta History 160 YEARS OF BROTHERHOOD Thank You, Generous Donors W e appreciate these loyal alumni who have chosen to financially support Theta Chapter this year. Your devotion to Sigma Chi proves you value the future of our brotherhood at Gettysburg College. Col. Fred B. Hoenniger '52 Frederick E. Kauffman Jr. '59 Dr. Ronald L. Paul '59 Richard C. Purdy '59 Robert C. Strait '60 Alexander G. Chatkewitz '62 Carl G. Yingling '62 Raymond C. Truex Jr. '63 Curtis P. Cheyney '64 William O. Norton II '67 Dr. Richard A. Renza Sr. '67 C. Craig Guers '68 Michael C. Ramsey '68 F. Thomas Kull Jr. '69 Tom B. Atherholt '71 Charles A. Darlington III '71 George W. Volkman '71 Andrew G. Mays '75 Peter N. Herring '76 J. Matthew Skinner '78 John W. Welch '80 Robert L. Komoroski '82 Michael J. Stankevicz '85 Michael C. Manzo '97 Raymond Luis Morales III '12 Brick Paver Donors Janet Davis Margaret Kolb Maryann McQuiddy Michael D. Paul Patricia Randle Georgia Sabo-Gier Dr. Ronald L. Paul '59 Carl G. Yingling '62 Gary Bootay '63 William O. Norton II '67 Edwin P. Gilbert '68 Geoff Geffken '72 Dr. Scott Schaffer '76 Jeff Hoachlander '78 J. Matthew Skinner '78 Douglas X. Womer Jr. '78 Jeff Arnold '83 Ed Benz '85 Dr. Ken Shockley '85 Bill Madden '86 Jim Dugan '87 Joseph F. Santacroce Jr '87 Andrew Corry '88 Neil Metzheiser '92 Christian Dreyer '94 Chris Young '94 Scott Metzger '97 Geoff Horsfield '10 Allen Jones '10 Jason Joseph '10 Brian Lemak '10 Michael Sass '10 Daniel Chibbaro '12 Raymond Luis Morales III '12 Jonathan Mateer '13 Samuel Blum '15 Scott Magers '15 Michael Boncardo '18 Drew Edelson '18 Samuel Gohn '19 Peter Brainard III '20 High Garst '20 Jack Kenyon '21 If there is an issue with your listing, we sincerely apologize. Please contact our communications coordinator, Dan, at to submit corrections. Kevin Isky '21 and Peter Halsey '23 with Grand Consul Bob Wilson, Fort Hayes '81, accepting the chapter's Peterson Blue Award as facilitators at KTLW 2023. It's Easier Than Ever to Give D id you know you can support Theta Chapter by donating online? It's as simple as scanning this QR code or visiting to make a gift for our annual campaign. There are many ways to support Theta Chapter, but the most direct way is through financial contributions. Please consider a gift today!

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