Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/1504915
WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM AUGUST 2 - 8, 2023 UCW 19 CYNTHIA ROSS, Personal Trainer. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com 910-484-6200. Fitness is a large part of the golf industry, but it has not always been that way. Tiger Woods changed the world of golf related to fitness when he emerged on the PGA Tour more than two decades ago. He is a major influ- encer as golf is related to fitness and today fitness regimens are standard for a world-class sport and are the norm for the best golfers in the world. Golfers actively engage in strength training, flexibility, agility, TRX, TRX RIP training, yoga, and kettlebell training. Training and taking care of your body helps with stamina and driving force. e major muscles engaged in the golf swing are the legs, chest and back. Your legs are your grounding force for stability and power in your swing. A golf swing is also optimized by the forearm, core and back muscles. e bottom line is that the entire body is engaged in the game of golf. e golf swing is a complex motion that happens at high speeds and a golf ball can be line driven 214 yards at 132.6 mph or more. Different parts of the swing engage separate muscle groups. e golf swing is transferred from one side to the other with muscle groups beginning with the back swing and transferring the momentum to the lead side. Most golfers like to add speed and the muscle that is responsible for that is the pectoral major muscle as well as the left bicep femoris, abdominal muscles and glute muscles. Can TRX improve your golf game? TRX was invented by Randy Hetrick, a Navy Seal who originally fashioned the TRX suspension system out of a ju- jitsu belt and surplus nylon parachute webbing while deployed overseas. More than two decades later, part- nerships can be found all over the world in training centers, athletics and the military. TRX is known for actively engaging the core. e suspension system hangs from a beam creating an unstable movement. e core actively engages stability to keep the system stable. Another system for core, stability and strength is the TRX RIP trainer. It is a weighted bar and resistance bun- gee duo for home, travel or gym that allows you to work in all directions. Just like the TRX Suspension System, body weight actively engages the abs, obliques, back and hips and helps improve agility and balance. If you are a golfer wanting to im- prove your game or a new golfer, the TRX training platform is a body-first approach that engages performance movement with power and athleti- cism. TRX for golf is a platform built around training movement, athleti- cism and power. Movement exercises include weighted ball tosses, weighted ball rotational throws and strength bands. Athleticism: includes lunges to strengthen the quads and add flex- ibility, skaters for agility and hops for aerobic endurance. Power: includes push-pull exercises such as squats and strikes. e RIP trainer and TRX Suspension system incorporate movement for a full range of motion in rotation. Stretching and cooling down are important parts of the training pro- gram with back stretches, hip flexor stretches and squats. e choice of engaging a trainer for your golf game can be beneficial for your overall health, ease of playing, and improvements that you could see as a result. Live, love life and golf. Can TRX improve your golf game? by CYNTHIA ROSS FITNESS PRINT. PACK. SHIP. All in one place! Print & Business Services Westwood • Fort Liberty• Hope Mills 910.860.1220 WESTWOOD AND HOPE MILLS LOCATIONS NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 11:00 am - 4:00 pm 439 WESTWOOD SHOPPING CENTER PLEASE SEND PRINT REQUESTS TO PRINT2974GMAIL.COM | FORT LIBERTY MINI-MALL 3333 N MAIN ST UNIT 150 HOPE MILLS SHIPPING BLUEPRINTS SIGNS FLYERS NOTARY BOOKLETS DESIGN DIRECT MAIL SHREDDING BROCHURES BANNERS CANVAS PRINTS Partner with our friendly team of shipping and printing experts to grow your business.