24 UCW JULY 19 - 25, 2023
3pm-7pm Weekdays
PM Peak
Summer Peak Hours (April - October)
For PWC Electric Customers
Still a Breeze to Save Big this Summer
Follow the Season's Time-of-Use Schedule
PWC's Time-of-Use billing for electricity follows the summer schedule through October 31,
with Summer Peak Hours during the afternoon-evening on weekdays from 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
To save big on your energy bills:
• Conserve all the power you can during Peak Hours.
• Adjust your routine to do things like laundry, running your dishwasher, etc. during
Off-Peak Hours, when electricity is billed at 35% lower rates!
• Keep your air conditioning at the highest comfortable temperature. To take full advantage of
Time-of-Use rates, add a programmable smart thermostat to automatically control your A/C.
Remember, on weekends and PWC-observed holidays, all day is Off-Peak.
For conservation tips and information on PWC incentive programs –
including an $80 bill credit for installing an Energy Star® smart
thermostat – visit our website.