Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM JULY 19 - 25, 2023 UCW 17 gary lowder Gates open: 5:30 Food By: gary lowder 7:30-10:00 Food, Soft Drinks, dancing, Fun door Prizes! All American Homes FREE CONCERT! august 4 th At the pavilion Presents 2023 Westwood • Fort Liberty • Hope Mills B r i n g y o u r l a w n c h a i r s - V I P Ta b l e s A v a i l a b l e & s m o k i n g h o t & s m o k i n g h o t rolling tacos & pupusas *VIP Pavilion Table Seating is Available: - $40 pp. Includes Meal and Preferred Table seating - $75 pp. Includes Meal, Preferred VIP seating, Healy Beer & Wine - $575 Table of 8 Includes Meal, Preferred VIP seating, Healy Beer & Wine Tickets: www.fayettevilledinnertheatre.com Full-Service indoor bar available with all ABC permits, Patio seating, and Indoor Restrooms EVENT e Fayetteville, NC Anime Club is a local club for anime and manga fans, a hidden gem tucked away in Fayette- ville's community. e local Anime Club provides a welcoming space for anime and man- ga enthusiasts to connect with others, indulge in their shared passion, and forge lasting friendships while having a great time. Anime Club is an excellent place to meet fellow anime fans, make new friendships, watch and talk about anime together, and have fun. Jessica Bundy, one of the founders of the Fayetteville, NC Anime Club, spoke with Up & Coming Weekly about the club's origins. Fayetteville's local libraries had anime clubs for high school students. It was a wonderful place for teens to socialize and share their passion for anime, she said. Unfortunately, there was no place for the teens to go once they aged out of the group. en the librarian suggested they start their own anime club, and the Fayetteville, NC Anime Club was born. e Anime Club meets twice a month on the second and fourth Saturday from noon to 3 p.m. e meetings are held at Beans and ings Coffee shop located at 5554 Yadkin Road, where food and drinks are avail- able for purchase. ere will be meetings on July 22 and Aug. 12. Future meetings will be on their Facebook page at https:// www.facebook.com/groups/Fayette- villeNCAnimeClub During certain months, they may only meet once a month because of holidays or special events. Any up- coming cancellations of future meet- ings will be on their Facebook page. An Anime Club meeting usually involves showing a few episodes of ei- ther the latest anime show or an older one. ere is a wide range of interests among the members. For instance, some people play Magic the Gathering while anime plays in the background. Anime is a Japanese word for animation and means any animated film, unlike Manga which is printed cartoons. Anime also refers to Japa- nese animation. Anime-influenced animation refers to anime-inspired animation produced outside Japan. Anime is popular globally and is a billion-dollar business. Famous anime shows that might sound familiar are Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, One Punch Man, Pokémon, Sailor Moon, Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia. According to Netflix, over half of their 200 million-plus global subscrib- ers watched anime in 2021. To one of the Fayetteville Anime Club founders, the club represents more than a shared interest. Jessica Bundy says, "It's making friends ... hanging out with people who are just as excited about these things as I am. It's a lot about friend- ship and community." For local anime enthusiasts, the Fayetteville, NC Anime Club is a hid- den gem. It offers a community where stories are shared and friendships are created. Whether you are an anime enthusiasts, or curious about anime, consider stepping into the world of the Fayetteville, NC Anime Club, where the sense of community and the shared passion for anime create an experience unlike any other. Fans find friendship, community in local Anime Club by AUBRETTE REID AUBRETTE REID, Staff Writer. COMMENTS? editor@upandcom- ingweekly.com. 910-484-6200. e Fayetteville, NC Anime Club meets July 22 and is open to all fans. (Photo of previous meet- ing courtesy Fayetteville, NC Anime Club)