Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM JULY 19 - 25, 2023 UCW 15 EVENT e second annual Association of the U.S. Army Warfighter Summit and Exposition is coming to the Crown Complex July 26 and 27. e two-day, in-person summit teaches leadership and professional development. e theme this year is "America's Army: Ready for Today, Modernizing for 2030 and Beyond." Retired Brig. Gen. Jack Haley is the Vice President, Membership and Meetings for the AUSA. He says they are excited to be back at Fort Liberty. AUSA had their first warfighter sum- mit last year, and 1,300 people came. is year, he hopes to have more people attend and check out the ven- dors and panels. "It's a tremendous opportunity for the association to work with the Army Forces Command in this case to really showcase what the Army's all about, because the Army is not about equip- ment. e Army is about soldiers. So that's really what we're trying to do." e summit will feature presenta- tions by Army senior leaders and com- mands based at Fort Liberty, as well as experts from industry and academia. Topics will span six warfighting func- tions and highlight ways Fort Liberty's operational forces can win throughout the expanded competitive space. e keynote speaker on the first day of the summit will be Gen. Gary M. Brito, the Commanding General of the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command. ere will be two keynote speak- ers on the second day of the summit. Command Sgt. Maj. Todd Sims of Forces Command will be speaking in the morning. Gen. James E. Rainey, the Commanding General of the Futures Command will be speaking in the afternoon. One fireside chat that Haley thinks will interest people will be the chat between retired Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel A. Dailey, and current Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael A. Grinston. Grinston will retire in August, after handing over the position to Com- mand Sgt. Maj. Michael R. Weimer. ere will be panels dedicated spe- cifically to the needs of the soldiers at Fort Liberty. On the first day, there will be a panel with leaders from the 18th Airborne Corps, including Lt. Gen. Christopher T. Donahue, and Com- mand Sgt. Maj. omas J. Holland. ere will also be panels and chats talking about warfare from the indus- try perspective. On the first day, there will be a panel about Insights from the Russian-Ukrainian War. Speakers in- clude Joseph Anderson, President and CEO of Rafael Systems Global Sus- tainment, LLC; David Poland, Client Solutions Executive from AT&T; Lt. Cmdr. Nicole M. Winget, Navy Reserve and Interim Dean of Adult & Online Education and Associate Professor at Campbell University; and Todd M. Burnett, the Executive Advisor of Booz Allen Hamilton. In addition, a session dedicated to spouses and families will be held on the second day of the summit. at fireside chat will discuss employment. Holly Dailey, the Director of Family Readiness for AUSA, and Lieutenant General Kevin Vereen, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army, will be speaking. Haley hopes that soldiers who come to the summit will not only learn about AUSA, but about the resources and programs available for them. "It's a great professional develop- ment opportunity for soldiers, for re- ally anybody, but certainly for soldiers to get to hear senior leaders, both officers and sergeant majors. en they get the opportunity to engage with industry leaders. [Soldiers] don't really get that much opportunity to walk around in a small area and see all of the different technologies that are being developed that are out there to support them," Haley said. e summit is open to the public. ere will be a variety of military ve- hicles and aircraft on display. Special Forces will have an interactive trailer which allows people to experience as- pects of the Special Operations world. ere is no cost for military and government civilian personnel. To register, go to https://meetings.ausa. org/warfighter/index.cfm AUSA Warfighter summit, expo to focus on Fort Liberty needs by HANNAH LEE HANNAH LEE, Assistant Editor. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcom- ingweekly.com. 910-484-6200 PRINT. PACK. SHIP. All in one place! Print & Business Services Westwood • Fort Liberty• Hope Mills 910.860.1220 WESTWOOD AND HOPE MILLS LOCATIONS NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 11:00 am - 4:00 pm 439 WESTWOOD SHOPPING CENTER PLEASE SEND PRINT REQUESTS TO PRINT2974GMAIL.COM | FORT LIBERTY MINI-MALL 3333 N MAIN ST UNIT 150 HOPE MILLS SHIPPING BLUEPRINTS SIGNS FLYERS NOTARY BOOKLETS DESIGN DIRECT MAIL SHREDDING BROCHURES BANNERS CANVAS PRINTS Partner with our friendly team of shipping and printing experts to grow your business.