Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM JULY 12 - 18, 2023 UCW 15 Better skills lead to better jobs with better pay by KEITH CARTER EDUCATION As the department chairperson for the Building Construction Technology and Carpentry programs at Fayetteville Technical Community College, I have enjoyed serving in this role at FTCC for several years. is experience has provided me opportuni- ties to work side by side with some amazing people including faculty, staff, administration and espe- cially students. I have also been rewarded in seeing many of our graduates become extremely successful entrepre- neurs or work in high-level management positions with various construction businesses throughout our county and state. Many people may not realize this, but some of the wealthiest businesses in North Carolina are in the building trades area. e demand is constant because people will always need new homes or renovations to their existing homes. Our objective within the Building Construction Department is to train individuals who can meet that need and help them develop successful careers. e Building Construction Technology Program is a two-year associate of applied science degree program. Emphasis in the program is placed on building and carpentry, but students can also learn plumbing, electrical and HVAC skills through pro- gram electives. Some students work in construction while com- pleting their degrees. FTCC's work-based learning program helps students establish credits toward the program degree. After graduation, students can eas- ily find jobs. Some of these jobs may involve working with a construction firm as a project manager, working as a NC building inspector, or as a Cumberland County construction employee. Students can pursue be- coming a NC Licensed General Contractor. Whatev- er the desire, the Building Construction Technology Program can get you there. Another great experience available through FTCC's Building Construction Technology program is hands-on learning. Students in the program will apply what they have learned in the classroom by working on actual building projects. We are proud to partner with Fayetteville Habitat for Human- ity, Kingdom Development, Veterans Empowering Veterans, and many other nonprofit organizations in building homes, additions, or in renovating existing structures. is service not only promotes a great educational learning experience for our students but also helps these agencies continue to serve the great people of Cumberland County in a positive way. Every student feels a sense of pride and a great self-worth when taking a moment to stand back to admire a completed house and recognize that a de- serving person or family will soon receive a dream home thought to be unattainable. What a great honor it has been for me to experi- ence the many great accomplishments taking place through the work at FTCC. Qualifying students can receive financial aid and veteran benefits, and scholarships are also available. Learn more about FTCC and the Building Construc- tion Technology and Carpentry programs. Email me at carterk@faytechcc.edu or call 910- 678-8475 for more information. e dream career leading to better pay starts with better skills. Join us at FTCC to explore your many options. KEITH CARTER, Department Chair, FTCC. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomingweekly. com. 910-484-6200 FTCC programs train students for jobs in carpentry, plumbing, electrical, HVAC — skills leading to better jobs and better pay. A celebration of 30 years serving Cumberland & surrounding areas! Year Anniversary *More details to come soon!