Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM JULY 12 - 18, 2023 UCW 11 City begins new trash and recyling policies by EVEY WEISBLAT, CityView Today In an effort to provide Fayetteville residents with more consistent waste collection services, the city began enforcing new trash and recycling policies July 1. e changes, which the City Coun- cil approved in January, notably limit households to two 96-gallon brown or green rollout carts per week for household waste and one 96-gal- lon blue rollout cart for biweekly recycling. Residents who previously purchased a 96-gallon blue rollout cart may put out both carts. Kala Elenes, a city public Infor- mation specialist, said it will not be difficult for most residents to adjust to the changes. "e biggest issue is going to be people who've been having more than two household waste rollout carts picked up for them; so now they're going to have (just) two," Elenes said. Elenes noted that it should be easy for residents to limit their recycling to one cart, provided they follow recy- cling guidelines. "ere shouldn't be that many if they're able to recycle what they're supposed to recycle," she said. "So, by going on the website and looking at what is able to be recycled, that will help them to eliminate some of that household waste." In addition to the new trash and recycling guidelines, Fayetteville is limiting household yard waste to 10 containerized items per week. Yard waste can be collected in 96-gal- lon green or brown rollout carts; any 32-gallon can with a lid made of metal or plastic; durable plastic bags; and bundled or tied yard waste not to exceed 50 pounds. Bundled yard waste cannot exceed 3 feet in length or 3 inches in diam- eter. Yard waste containers will not be collected when yard waste is mixed with other waste. Large limb waste is collected free every other week. is waste category includes tree trimmings, large shrub- bery trimmings, and large limbs that are no more than 5 feet long and 6 inches in diameter and in a pile no more than 10 cubic yards. Residents can schedule a special pickup for ma- terials over 10 cubic yards, but they will have to pay a fee. Limits for bulky item collection will remain the same at five items every other week. e city is also taking measures to ensure residents are informed of and comply with the new guidelines. Crews will warn residents by placing a tag on collection items out of compli- ance. Residents who receive warning tags will also be contacted by a rapid- response team that will guide them about how to fix the problem. "If they can just fix the issue there, let them know why and what's hap- pening, then there's no problem," Elenes said. "at's kind of the educa- tion on their part." Residents who do not comply with solid waste guidelines after being alerted to noncompliance will be as- sessed fines. General fines include: Failure to remove rollout cart from curb: first and second violations, writ- ten warning; third and subsequent violations, $50 each. Solid waste abatement: $500 per load. Illegal dumping violation (Section 22-16-D), including construction de- bris, unscheduled set-outs, etc.: $500 in addition to cost of removal. Fayetteville is also considering future collection changes for private roads that may be smaller or more difficult for city vehicles to navigate, but Elenes said this regulaton is still in the early stages of consideration and no official changes have been made. To find out a scheduled pickup day, residents can enter their address here: https://www.fayettevillenc.gov/city- services/public-services/solid-waste/ holiday-collection-schedule For additional information, visit the Solid Waste Division's website at FayettevilleNC.gov/solidwaste or call 910-433-1FAY (1329) is video on the solid waste ordinance is also available from FayTV: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=wFbQPeJ7gAI gary lowder Gates open: 5:30 Food By: gary lowder 7:30-10:00 Food, Soft Drinks, dancing, Fun door Prizes! All American Homes FREE CONCERT! august 4 th At the pavilion Presents 2023 Westwood • Fort Liberty • Hope Mills B r i n g y o u r l a w n c h a i r s - V I P Ta b l e s A v a i l a b l e & s m o k i n g h o t & s m o k i n g h o t *VIP Pavilion Table Seating is Available: - $40 pp. Includes Meal and Preferred Table seating - $75 pp. Includes Meal, Preferred VIP seating, Healy Beer & Wine - $575 Table of 8 Includes Meal, Preferred VIP seating, Healy Beer & Wine Tickets: www.fayettevilledinnertheatre.com Full-Service indoor bar available with all ABC permits, Patio seating, and Indoor Restrooms chef bear of on after/h8ters EVEY WEISBLAT, CityView Today COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com 910-484-6200 NEWS