Beta Theta Pi - University of Minnesota

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Beta Pi Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at the University of Minnesota

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A P u b l i c A t i o n o f t h e b e t A t h e t A P i S o c i e t y o f M i n n e S o t A the betA Piper CELEBRATING 130 YEARS OF BETA PI SPRING 2023 Financial Update O ur Housing Corporation continues to service our debt and do our best to keep up with our expenses, which mostly go toward maintaining the property at 1625 University Ave. SE. We have $12,541 in cash on hand, and our long-term debt totals $505,191. Thank you for your support! Your Alumni Dollars at Work! W ho turned off the hot water?! Members found an unwelcome surprise when the chapter house's water heater suddenly died in late January. Showers and sinks went very cold, very quickly. Alumni volunteers on the Housing Corporation swiftly worked to get quotes, make a selection, and install a new commercial-grade system within weeks for a total cost of $8,620. The high-efficient Navien system is now serving the house's needs—and at a lower cost per month compared to the older, 80-gallon water heater. It will require annual cleaning, but it has the potential to last longer than the old tanks (and should be easier to repair, when needed). The society paid for this unexpected project (and two other recent plumbing repairs) using our cash savings on hand, but it depleted our available savings significantly. Thanks to recent alumni donations and chapter-paid rent collections, we are keeping up with these types of expenses. Advisor Update VOLUNTEERS WELCOME! T om Johnson '15 has transitioned into the chapter counselor position, which oversees the advisory board. The advisory board is a group of volunteers who serve as a resource to the active chapter. If you have an interest in filling a vacancy on the advisory board, reach out to Tom at In December 2022, brothers young and old came together for our first official alumni gathering since the start of the pandemic. Approximately 15 alumni attended to reunite, meet the chapter members and, of course, sing some Beta songs! Look inside to see what else your brothers are up to! Look inside to see what else your brothers are up to! SCAN TO MAKE A GIFT Support Beta Pi Today Give.aspx/U2GHL85P#c Gerald T. Carroll '55 Kingsley R. Ondich '56 Donn P. Barber '56 Charles H. Christensen '58 Charlie Champlin '60 Bruce E. Johnson '61 Roger N. Johnson '62 Jan F. Ebbert '63 J. Dixon Tews '63 James D. Acers '64 Richard L. George '66 Morgan K. Nelson '67 David L. Mitchell '69 William L. Laakso '69 E. Walt Slibeck '70 Jeffrey D. Ohm '70 Aaron Jastrow '87 David F. Servais '92 Brad Christ '97 Ryan A. Marek '12 Joe Viavattine '16 Thank You, Loyal Alumni! We Appreciate Your Support of Beta Pi W e extend our sincere gratitude to our brothers for their commitment in donating $3,371 to Beta Theta Pi's fall annual campaign. These alumni continue to be Men of Principle and are dedicated to ensuring brothers of today and tomorrow will thrive. Our alumni remain an important part of the success of Beta Pi, and your support will go a long way.

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