Beta Theta Pi - University of Minnesota

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Beta Pi Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at the University of Minnesota

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"I experienced much personal growth during my time at Beta. Coming from California, I immediately felt accepted and included in this fraternity and will never forget what the place has taught me about myself and others." –William M. Gustafson Beta Theta Pi Society of Minnesota Dinkytown Station-P.O. Box 13225 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Address Service Requested the betA Piper CELEBRATING 130 YEARS OF BETA PI f Beta Theta Pi – University of Minnesota f Beta Theta Pi Alumni – University of Minnesota l @BetaPi_UMN i Beta Theta Pi Alumni – University of Minnesota i @beta_minnesota Featured Alumnus Inside Read about Jumpin' Jim Brunzell's wrestling career and lessons from Beta! Save The Date 24-30 HOMECOMING 2023 H omecoming Week will take place this year on September 24-30. Look forward to communication over the summer regarding details about gatherings with Beta brothers and visits to campus! Why Beta Pi Was Worth It 2023 Graduates Speak Up "Beta provided me with lifelong friends and confidants. I look forward to keeping in touch with everyone I have had the pleasure of knowing in my time here." –Nathan L. Dirkes "Beta taught me to be myself. I always feel supported here and will cherish the memories it has cultivated." –ManHinRichard Li D o you like visiting the chapter house? Would you enjoy getting to know other alumni and chapter members and working with them on chapter house improvements? The housing corporation needs you! Multiple opportunities are available to join our group and become a voting member. Key Things to Know • All eras and ages of alumni are welcome. This is a great opportunity for recent graduates or empty nesters/retirees! • All skills and experience levels are welcome. In particular, we need more help/expertise with the society's finances (treasurer duties), building/property repairs, and risk management. • Meetings are held on campus only a few times per year. For more information, contact: Scott Heineman '02 at or Branden Peterson '05 at Join the Housing Corporation!

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