Phi Kappa Psi - University of Texas

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Texas Alpha Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity at the University of Texas

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continued from front HANGING WITH BROTHERS energizes me. I am happier and healthier because of it, and now I have the scientific evidence to prove it. Keep in mind, it is not how many Facebook friends you have, but how many in-depth friendships: friends that you look forward to hanging out with. We all have friends that "energize" us. Today, there are groups of Texas Alphans that meet annually to ski in Colorado, hike and camp during the summer, gather at a lake house, play board games on a Saturday and meet up for a reunion at a football game. In fact, a group of early 1960s brothers and their spouses have traveled all over the world together. The study supports that these brothers tend to be happier and live healthier lives. Hopefully, you are a part of at least one of those groups. So, for your health, get reconnected with some of your fraternity brothers. Get together for lunch or a beer, plan a reunion to a football game or Founders Day – but above all, just reach out and hang out with them! If you need contact info, TAEF can help. "Over and over again, when the participants in the Harvard Study reached their 70s and 80s, they would make a point of saying that what they valued most were their relationships with friends and family. If we accept the wisdom – and, more recently, the scientific evidence – that our relationships are among our most valuable tools for sustaining health and happiness, then choosing to invest time and energy in them today becomes vitally important. It is an investment that will affect everything about how we live in the future." – Dr. Waldinger and Dr. Schulz, director and associate director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, via WSJ, "The Lifelong Power of Close Relationships," 1-13-23. In the Bond, Kelly Fish '77 President Texas Alpha Endowment Fund ALPHA AVALANCHE | TEXAS ALPHA | PHI KAPPA PSI | | SPRING EDITION 2023 OUR NEWEST SILVER SPUR LEADER Phi Psi continues to be well-represented in the Silver Spurs with a total of eight current members. Carrying on that recent tradition is Ben Chrapliwy '21, who was just elected as the Spurs' vice president. Ben is a junior finance major from Cypress, Texas. Who was in the Spurs Spring 2022 Rowel Class. In addition to his leadership role in the Spurs, Ben has held several officer positions for the chapter – all while maintaining an excellent GPA! A CRM SYSTEM FOR TEXAS ALPHA The Texas Alpha Endowment Fund board recently set out to have our own customer relationship management software rather than be dependent on a contracted third party. Our goals are to better serve our undergraduates and alumni through proactive networking and to become more efficient in fundraising. We selected Neon One, which focuses on serving non-profit organizations, for our CRM. Neon touts more than 4,000 organizations in their customer base, states that no database experience is required, and claims an ability to integrate with other related software tools. We believe this CRM will help active brothers and recent graduates to identify alumni in their prospective career paths and enhance our lifelong Phi Psi bonds via networking. Further, we believe it will help in communicating with our alumni and improve fundraising activities, meaning it will more than pay for the investment. With this new tool at our disposal, we gathered all the database information available from our third party and national to validate Neon's claims against our goals and found that it is easy and flexible! So, what is the next step, and when do we launch? The next step depends on you. We will soon email everyone in our freshly scrubbed database, asking you to update your profile and ensure accurate info. We want to track not only your contact information, but also career info and your past roles within the chapter. If this goes well, we will be ready before we play Alabama.

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