Desert Messenger

April 19, 2023

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April 19, 2023 3 ADEQ cleanup at Pilot planned READER'S OASIS BOOKS 690 E. Main - Quartzsite (one block east of Family Dollar) Switch & Save Up to $250/Year On Your Talk, Text and Data Plan! © 2023 Consumer Cellular Inc. Terms and Conditions subject to change. New service activation on approved credit. Cellular service is not available in all areas and is subject to system limitations. All other products are trademarked by their respective manufacturers. Phones are limited to stock on hand. Savings calculation is based on a comparison of Consumer Cellular's average customer invoice to the average cost of single-line entry-level plans off ered by the major U.S. wireless carriers as of May 2022. CALL CONSUMER CELLULAR 877-401-1130 The Arizona Department of Envi- ronmental Quality (ADEQ) is seek- ing comments from the public con- cerning a planned clean-up of soil and groundwater contaminated with petroleum from a leak which occurred from an underground storage tank located at Pilot Travel Center #328, 1201 W. Main Street La Paz County Quartzsite, Arizona 85346. ADEQ encourages public participation and welcomes com- ments on the proposed corrective action plan for this site. Comments should be submitted in writing by May 10, 2023. ADEQ investigates and oversees the removal and cleanup of con- taminated soil and groundwater to protect public health and the envi- ronment. PROPOSED ACTIVITIES The proposed activities include the following cleanup technologies that will be used to obtain the cleanup levels that are protective of public health, welfare and the environ- ment: Air Sparge and Soil Vapor Ex- traction (AS/SVE) and Moni- tored Natural Attenuation (MNA): Contaminated soil and groundwater will be treated using an AS/SVE system. An AS/SVE system injects air (sparged) into the groundwater to volatilize contami- nants in groundwater. The vapors generated from sparging are subse- quently extracted from the ground with the SVE system. The vapors will be treated before being emitted to the atmosphere so that emissions do not exceed levels specified in any air quality permit issued by the county, city or state. An MNA pro- gram will be implemented, if nec- essary, after the AS/SVE system is shut down to periodically monitor the natural processes that reduce contaminant levels in groundwater. In-Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO): Contaminated groundwa- ter will be treated using ISCO by in- jecting a hydrogen peroxide-based product into the affected well(s) and directly into the formation. ISCO breaks down petroleum re- lated chemicals of concern (COCs) through abiotic chemical oxidation reactions. Solar Sipper Liquid Non-Aque- ous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) Re- covery System: is a solar powered remediation system, designed for remote applications where electri- cal power is either not available or not economically feasible. This uniquely flexible system can be con- figured for up to eight wells. The compact, easy to install features make this unit efficient to move and implement multiple wells. The So- lar Sipper uses a downwell pump to recover hydrocarbons through a floating oleophilic/hydrophobic intake filter. Once the pump can- ister is filled via the vacuum cycle, the pump reverses, pressurizes the system and pumps the recovered fluid to the surface and into a stor- age vessel. Leaking UST Case File No.: 3281.03, -.04, -.06 Facility ID No.: 0-006588 La Paz County Comments regarding the submit- ted document for this site should be submitted to the Arizona Depart- ment of Environmental Quality, Waste Programs Division, Atten- tion: Ayna Kekilova, 1110 W. Wash- ington Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 or via email at kekilova.ayna@azdeq. gov. Comments sent to ADEQ dur- ing April 10, 2023 through May 10, 2023 will be considered in ADEQ's evaluation for Corrective Action Plan approval. If sufficient public interest is dem- onstrated during the public com- ment period, ADEQ may hold a public meeting in accordance with A.A.C. R18-12-264.01(C). If a pub- lic meeting is to be held, ADEQ will schedule and notify the public in accordance with A.A.C. R18-12- 264.01(A) of the meeting time and location. If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ayna Kekilo- va at (602) 771-0051 or Under the Environmental Quality Act of 1986, the Arizona State Leg- islature established the Arizona De- partment of Environmental Quality in 1987 as the state agency for pro- tecting and enhancing public health and the environment of Arizona. For more information, please visit

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