Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 16 UCW APRIL 12 - 18, 2023 FTCC can help you become a healthcare provider by CHRISTOPHER THRASHER In honor of National Patient Experience Week happening April 23 to April 29, the students, faculty and staff of Fayetteville Technical Community Col- lege would like to express their sincere gratitude to all the wonderful health care professionals who care for us when we are most in need. If you appreciate the work done by healthcare professionals, consider celebrating National Patient Experience Week by taking the first steps towards joining the ranks of our healthcare providers. FTCC can help you become a healthcare provider. Doctors and nurses can only do their jobs with the support of an often-invisible army of support staff who ensure that supplies are in stock, bills are paid, and patients are heard. FTCC is now accepting applications for the highly competitive healthcare management program. Do you enjoy help- ing people? Can you remain calm in stressful situ- ations? Would you like to earn a high salary with excellent benefits in a rapidly growing industry? If so, a career in healthcare manage- ment might be the right fit for you. e healthcare management program at FTCC prepares students to become a vital member of a healthcare team and to improve the lives of patients. Graduates of this program often work as customer service specialists, healthcare financial specialists and medical office managers. You might earn an associate's degree in Health- care Management Technology or pursue a certificate in healthcare customer service, healthcare finance or medical entrepreneurship. In this program, you will take courses in impor- tant topics including medical insurance, healthcare law, and leadership. Healthcare managers work in a variety of set- tings including hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities, and medical offices. Some healthcare managers even start their own businesses. According to the United States Bureau of Labor, the typical Medical and Healthcare Services Man- ager in the U.S. earns $101,340 each year. e federal government estimates that jobs in this field will grow by 28% within the next ten years, which makes it one of the nation's fastest growing fields. Are you worried that you don't have enough money to pay for college? FTCC is one of the most affordable colleges in the region. We also offer numerous scholarships, and many students earn college degrees at no cost to them. Are you ready to learn more? If so, please contact FTCC today. Staff are eager to help you join the ranks of some of the nation's fast- est growing and most financially rewarding career fields. e next time we celebrate National Patient Expe- rience Week, we might be celebrating you. For more Information, please contact the Curric- ulum Chair Larissa White at 910-678-8518 or email whitel@faytechcc.edu. EDUCATION C APE FEAR BOTANIC AL GARDEN For M ore I nformation | 910.485.0555 | w w w.toastof thetownfay.com w w w.TheCareClinic.org | The Care Clinic is a 501(c)(3) O rganization 536 N. Easter n Blvd. Fayetteville, NC 28301 $100 Per Person - I n Advance $125 Per Person - At The Door SAVE THE DATE Thursday May 4, 2023 6pm-10pm CHRISTOPHER THRASHER, FTCC Social Science Instructor. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomingweekly.com. 910- 484-6200