Up & Coming Weekly

April 11, 2023

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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12 UCW APRIL 12 - 18, 2023 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM EVENTS e upcoming Gilbert eater production will induce laughter and comedy like no other play this season. "All in the Timing" is a collection of one-act plays by David Ives, and was written between 1987 and 1993. Four of the six one-act plays will be per- formed at the Gilbert eater. Lawrence Carlisle III, the artistic director of the Gilbert eater, is excited to showcase this production at the Gilbert. He tells Up & Coming Weekly that the comedy of these short plays are similar to sketches one would see on "Saturday Night Live." "Just think of it almost like a sketch show, like a sketch comedy show. ey're a little longer than normal sketches, but it's kind of quick like that or they're all pretty short. I don't think any of them is longer than 40 minutes." Sandra Walker will be directing two short plays with Carlisle directing the other two. He actually was able to direct the same plays in college. "I knew that when I got this job that I wanted to do more of them from 'All in the Timing.' So that was the basic reason that I put it in the season." Carlisle said. Carlisle says the past few produc- tions have been more on the serious side so this sketch-like comedy is a breath of relief. "e last couple of years and up to and including this one have been kind of a bummer. So I figure anything that I can do to bring a little levity to peo- ple I think is a good thing. We're just coming off 'Shakespeare Abridged,' which was really funny. And this one is, to me, just as funny, but in a differ- ent way, because this one is a little bit more cerebral and the wordplay com- edy, which ties into the title because when it's with that kind of comedy, it is all about timing." In "Sure ing," a couple on a first date has the opportunity to reset the date each time they say the wrong thing. "Words, Words, Words" is a take on the "infinite monkey theorem," which is the idea that given enough time, three monkeys in a room could eventu- ally write any given text. In "e Philadel- phia," a man discovers that he's entered a strange pocket of the universe where the only way to get what he wants is to ask for the opposite. In the last short play, "Variations on the Death of Trotsky," the audience is treated to the famous Marxist waxing poet dying, and dying, and dying over and over and over again. e show will kick off on April 21, when there will be a special an- nouncement by Carlisle right before the production starts. e production of "All In the Tim- ing" will run through May 7, with per- formances on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Ticket prices are $18 for non-season holders. ere are discounts available for military members and students. is production is rated PG-13 for swearing and adult themes. To buy tickets, contact the Box Of- fice at 910-678-7186 or go to https:// ci.ovationtix.com/36002/produc- tion/1151812. Gilbert Theater proves comedy is 'All in the Timing' with upcoming production by HANNAH LEE FTCC Foundation hosts Trojan Fit 5K Color Run to benefit students by AUBRETTE REID e Fayetteville Technical Commu- nity College Foundation is having its 3rd annual Trojan Fit 5K Color Run/ Walk on April 22. e Trojan Fit 5K Color Run/Walk "is a great event for the whole family," said Sandy Ammons, the Executive Director of the FTCC Foundation. e event will be at the FTCC's Fayetteville campus on 2201 Hull Road. Check-in starts at 8 a.m. and the race begins at 9 a.m. Two routes will be available: a 5K run and a fun walk, well-suited for families with strollers. It costs $35 plus a $3.10 sign-up fee to race or walk, including the Tro- jan Fit 5K Color Run T-Shirt. ose wanting to participate can register and pay online at https://runsignup. com/Race/NC/Fayetteville/FTCCTro- jan5KRunWalk. e same link can be used for those that want to sponsor or volunteer at the event. e race map for the event can also be found on the website. e race map will show you the paths available, color station locations, water stations, parking, and more. e race shirt pick- up will be available from April 17-21 at the FTCC Foundation Office at the Harry Shaw Virtual College Center at 2225 Hull Road. e money from this event goes towards the FTCC Foundation. "e FTCC Foundation is the fundraising arm of the college," said Ammons. e FTCC Foundation supports FTCC scholarships, grants and various programs that help with the unfulfilled needs of FTCC. For example, during the pandemic, the FTCC Foundation used its funds to support multiple students in need to pay for things such as groceries and rent. at is one of the ways the FTCC Foundation continues to provide FTCC students a chance at a brighter and more prosperous future. e FTCC Foundation is a nonprofit organization, and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. e Trojan Fit 5K Color Run is a 3-mile untimed run inspired by Holi, the Festival of Colors, that also cel- ebrates the start of spring. e throw- ing of colors is a symbol of love and happiness. ere will be multiple color stations where participants will have the option to participate in throwing colors. e annual FTCC Foundation Trojan Fit 5K Color Run "is also sanc- tioned as a Dogwood Festival event." said Ammons. Take advantage of this fun and meaningful event! Register today and help support FTCC students through the FTCC Foundation. For more information, please visit https://www.faytechcc.edu/founda- tion-events/ or https://runsignup. com/Race/NC/Fayetteville/FTCCTro- jan5KRunWalk. For more information email an FTCC Foundation representative at foundation@faytechcc.edu or call 910- 678-8441. e Trojan Fit 5K Color Run will benefit FTCC Foundation efforts supporting students. e family- friendly event offers run and walk options. (Photo courtesy Fayetteville Technical Community College) HANNAH LEE, Assistant Editor. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200. AUBRETTE REID, Contributor. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200

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