Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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10 UCW APRIL 12 - 18, 2023 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM A man, a plan and a van launched Gill Security on April 1, 1983. It was April Fool's Day but there was nothing foolish about Dick Gill's plan. Forty years later he oversees a company that protects thousands of families and businesses in the Cape Fear region. In a twist of fate, it was a burglary that inspired Gill to go into the security business. ere was a break-in at his father's real estate office and Gill installed a burglar alarm. He quickly realized there was a need for this service in his home- town. Gill had already established his reputation as a hard worker and had a passion for tinkering with electronics. Following his graduation from Terry Sanford High School in 1971, Dick received his associate degree in electronics from Robeson Tech. He put himself through school working in the shipping department at Sears. Once he obtained his degree, Sears moved him into television repair. After the break-in, he was inspired to get into the security business and started working nights and weekends at Maxi- mum Security. Local Start, Regional Expansion His first official security system installations were for Ken Ritter's Exxon Station, Bryan Pon- tiac's new building on Raeford Road and Valley Motors. Ritter later founded Ken's Muffler Shops and Gill's systems protected all of them. After working for other security companies Gill made the decision to launch Gill Security. Today Gill Security employs almost 40 people and protects some of the largest commercial businesses in the region including health care fa- cilities, public utilities, correctional institutions, government entities, churches, day care centers, fast food chains and restaurants. e primary focus has always been on protecting what you can't replace and keeping families, homes and businesses safe. e Gill name is synonymous with customer service — whenever you call the office you always get a live person to talk to and the firm is proud of their 4.9 Google review rating. Gill Security has been blessed with loyal customers and many have trusted Gill for over three decades. JoAnn Bishop and her late husband Richard, were among Gill's early customers. e Bishops chose Gill Security to protect their home after Bishop worked with Gill on installing a large se- curity system for their church, Mt. Sinai Baptist. Mrs. Bishop has stayed with the company for almost 40 years because they are reliable, profes- sional and offer a personal touch. She said she feels like she is calling a friend when she calls Gill Security. e life-safety company has expanded over the years, acquiring other companies, and extending their reach far beyond Cumberland County. In addition to doing business in all adjacent counties they have multiple accounts in Wake County and several coastal communities. Many local customers have entrusted Gill to protect their second homes at the beach. Family and Community Ties Protecting those in the community is not just about business for Gill. He and his wife, Mary Adcox, have always been active in the community attending First Presbyte- rian Church and later Snyder Memorial Baptist. ey have been heavily involved with the As One Prayer Walk, Youth for Christ, Fayetteville Acad- emy and Cape Fear Valley Health Foundation. e Gills have two daughters and one grand- daughter. eir oldest daughter, Melodi Borkows- ki, is a social worker at Pine Forest Middle School and her husband, omas, is Gill Security's IT expert. eir granddaughter, Caroline, is a junior at Pine Forest High School. e Gill's youngest daughter, Mary Margaret Lovette, works for a digital marketing firm in Wilmington . Her husband, Ty, is a football coach for Topsail High School and they live in Porters Neck. In the past four decades, Gill and his team have witnessed many changes in the alarm and fire industry including technology that have allowed customers to interact with their home security systems on their smart phones. e company strives to keep pace with new technology. e in- stallation of camera equipment and fire systems represents a large percentage of the company's growth. Recently, the company installed one of the area's first Bi-Directional Amplifier (BDA) Sys- tems at Cape Fear Valley Hospital which allows emergency responders enhanced communica- tion via public safety radios. Still Going Strong Dick Gill has no immediate plans to retire and still does installations and trouble shoots while acting as the company visionary. Day-to-day operations are managed by Easto- ver native Alan Buffaloe who joined the company in 2009 as the general manager. Together, Gill and Buffaloe have inspired the company's six core values of (1) God first — team second— me last; (2) We honor an old fashion work ethic; (3) the customer is our priority; (4) Can do attitude; (5) Work and life balance and (6) Continuous improvement. at set of values has guided Gill and his team for forty years, and it seems to be working. For more information on Gill Security call 910- 433-2868 or visit www.gillsecurity.com. Gill Security celebrates 40 years in business by BECKY VOHOSKA ROSE Dick Gill launched Gill Security with a plan and a van in 1983 (above and top right). (All photos courtesy Gill Security) FEATURE BECKY VOHOSKA ROSE, Contributor. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomingweekly. com. 910-484-6200. Dick Gill has no immediate plans for retirement.