Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM APRIL 5 - 11, 2023 UCW 17 Cumberland County Extension Master Gardeners will hold its annual Plant Fair on April 15 at the Coopera- tive Extension Center at 301 E. Moun- tain Drive. From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., novice and experienced green thumbs can peruse a variety of native plants, herbs, veg- etables and harvested seed packs. As visitors browse the bounty of locally grown greenery, they can also talk a little shop and get some gardening advice. "We have noticed that a lot of people have a lot of questions about plants," shared Linda Myers, former president of the Extension Master Gardener Volunteers. "Our goal is to help the citizens of Cumberland County make smart decisions about what to plant in their yards or how to take care of their house plants." Funds raised from the event will go toward several horticultural programs that serve the community. e Second Harvest Food Bank Garden, horticul- ture scholarships, Cape Fear Botanical Garden, Extension Master Gardener Education programs, and similar initiatives will benefit. In addition to its function as a major fundraising event, the Plant Fair also serves as an educational opportunity for people in the community. Major topics on the day's agenda include sowing and saving seeds, home gar- dening, house plants, attracting bees, birds and butterflies, and much more. Educational displays, demonstra- tions and Extension Master Gardener volunteers will be on hand to answer questions. e fair will also offer information on Cumberland County Extension Consumer Horticulture, Extension Master Gardener Volun- teers, 4H, and Junior Master Gardener programs. Horticulture is the art or practice of garden cultivation and manage- ment, dating back thousands of years. According to the annual National Gardening Survey, around 77% of Americans garden and spend over $45 billion annually on gardening supplies. As concerns about the environment increase and conversations surround- ing the importance of sustainability maintain a foothold in the national discourse, the ability of the individual American to grow their own food and grow their own plants is seeing a surprising resurgence. Entities such as the Extension Master Gardener Volunteers of Cumberland County provide valuable information and hands-on support for those looking to dig in the dirt. "Horticultural Education is so important," Myers shared. "Some- times there are things you just don't know. For instance, some plants will not grow in Cumberland County. If you end up planting something that likes cold weather here in the south — you're wasting your money." In addition to raising much-needed funds to support such important work, Myers is excited about the op- portunity for connection events like this provide. After two years of social hibernation brought on by the pan- demic, many organizations are trying to get back to where they were before everything stopped. "Coming out of the pandemic when we didn't meet for a year and then only by zoom, we need to reinvigorate our organization and the whole pro- gram," Myers stated. "e Plant Fair is a way for master gardeners to engage with each other and a way for us to reengage with the public." For more information about the Plant Fair, call 910- 321-6882. Plant fair welcomes novice and experienced gardeners by ASHLEY SHIRLEY e Cumberland County Extension Master Gar- deners will hold the Plant Fair April 15. All are invited to visit educational displays and talk to experts on gardening and much more. (Photos courtesy Cumberland County Extension) ASHLEY SHIRLEY, Staff Writer. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200 EVENT April 21-May 7, 2023 This project is supported by the Arts Council in part by contributions from businesses and individuals, and through grants from the City of Fayetteville, Cumberland County and the North Carolina Arts Council, an agency of the Department of Cultural Resources. T I C K E T S A V A I L A B L E A T Words, Words, Words Variations on the Death of Trotsky The Philadelphia Sure Thing ALL IN THE FOUR SHORT PLAYS TIMING BY DAVID IVES GilbertTheater.com (910) 678-7186 Westwood • Fort Bragg • Hope Mills