Delta Tau Delta - Ball State University

Summer 2022 Newsletter

Epsilon Mu Chapter of Delta Tau Delta at Ball State University

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3 DELTA TAU DELTA They immediately showered Greg with compassion, hospitality, and love. When Greg returned to Vietnam, Randy continued to keep his spirits up by corresponding. "When I was discharged, I rarely ventured from my parents' home, let alone took part in any social activities," Greg shared. "It was not until the brotherhood arrived in the form of brothers Doug Koliboski '71 and Bob McMillion '72 that I made a change. They told me it was time to party on Rush Street in Chicago. They insisted and offered to pay for my cover and drinks." That was the beginning of many Saturday nights filled with laughter, socializing, and reconnecting. "Though I had no knowledge at the time, I was suffering from PTSD," Greg shared. "Doug and Bob helped me cope with this casualty of war. In keeping with their outreach, we drove three and a half hours to the Shelter for the weekends. We shared stories with younger brothers, solidifying the strength of brotherhood and renewing myself." Greg moved back into the Shelter for three summers to complete his M.A. in elementary education and reconnected with brothers pursuing graduate degrees while establishing new friendships with the undergraduates. He went on to receive a Ph.D. in social studies education, inferential statistics and research from Purdue University. A LIFETIME OF BROTHERHOOD The next 50 years passed quickly, and the reunion at the Shelter in 2016 was an amazing event. The brotherhood was alive, well, and renewed with each hug and handshake. "Many times, it felt like I was back in the Shelter and a smile would cross my face, thankful for the memories and lasting friendships," Greg said. "I look forward to my attendance at the Delta Tau Delta socials on the Florida Gulf Coast to continue the special brotherhood I had pledged in 1966." Greg was married to his late wife, Karen, a Delta Tau Delta little sister, for 41 years and was blessed with two sons, two daughters, and eight grandchildren. He and his wife, Elizabeth, are happily retired in Winter Haven, Florida, where he plays senior softball and rhythm guitar in a '60s/'70s band. "We should get the Delt band, America's Only 5 Cent Cigar, back together— the beat goes on!" Greg said. You can connect with Greg at The Beginning of the Legacy (Continued from page 1) Brothers serenade DTD's newest Sweetheart, Jett Mcclaskey. The chapter hosting a 3-on-3 basketball tournament in April. Move-in day at our new Shelter in the late '60s. From left: Terry Moore '70 and Greg Walsko '70.

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