Alpha Chi Omega - University of Kansas

Spring 2022 Newsletter

Phi Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega at the University of Kansas

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Notes of the Lyre PHI CHAPTER OF ALPHA CHI OMEGA | UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS | SPRING 2022 I I couldn't have predicted that this time two years ago, we would be at the very beginning of a pandemic that would bring chaos, confusion, change, and adjustment to what we considered normal life. It hasn't been easy, but we have endured. In past newsletters, I have discussed dealing with COVID, but it has become an infection that I think about daily. I am so proud that our chapter members, executives, and advisors as well as our house corporation board, alumnae, and (of course) housemother Pat have worked hard to keep our chapter afloat while continuing to strive to new heights. Renovations With that said, I am also hopeful that, in fall 2022, we can finally make a more substantial move to in-person events. The house corporation board had to pause renovations in 2020 but continued to make improvements to the chapter house to provide the members a home in 2021. In summer 2022, our goal is to make the most important renovations to the house and to outline projects that we would like to focus on over the next few years. One of the projects we're most eager to tackle is to renovate or remodel the exterior of the Phi house, which has been a discussion in the past. To undertake this project, the board needs to first look at the scope of work and the cost required for it. This might take some time to complete, but we will continue to keep alumnae informed. A project the board will work to complete by the end of the year is to have plaques made for and placed in the chapter house to recognize all donors to the capital and SOS campaigns. Without our alumnae's donations, Phi Chapter would not have weathered the tough times it has faced—so thank you! House Corporation Update Finally, I want to announce that this will be my last article for the newsletter. I have decided to step down as president of the Phi Chapter House Corporation Board. With additional responsibilities in my profession and my children growing up and needing more of my assistance and support, I feel I do not have the time that is needed to commit to being president. Over the next month, the board will have elections to determine the next president. I am excited to see what will happen in the future for Phi Chapter. Women have proven time and time again that we are strong and capable of so many amazing accomplishments. Thank you for all the love and support you have given to Phi Chapter! Loyally, Stephanie Spratt Schmidt '93 President, House Corporation Phi Chapter House Corporation Gears Up for an Exciting Year A s an older sibling with just one younger brother, being a part of Alpha Chi Omega was the first experience with sisterhood that Kara Warner '99 was exposed to. Luckily, sharing a home and work/study space with so many fun and different women was a catalyst for creating lifelong friends. "I always felt completely comfortable and at ease at Alpha Chi Omega—from my first visit during recruitment through my three years living at the house," Kara said. Kara treasures all the memorable bonding activities, whether they were impromptu dance parties in bedrooms or late-night snacks during finals week. She also kept busy holding many titles within the chapter and the Greek community, such as assistant member education secretary, new member education chairman, Rho Chi, chapter president, and president of the president's forum. "I know this list makes me look like one of those overachievers, but if you ask any of my pledge class, they will agree that that is not the case," Kara joked. "I did it because I loved my sisters and being involved in everything." As chapter president, Kara became more comfortable with public speaking and occasionally being the rule enforcer. This came in handy as Kara ventured into her career as an entertainment reporter and producer, working for companies such as MTV, New York Magazine, and now PEOPLE magazine, where she currently works as a staff writer. "I've been a lover of pop culture as long as I can remember," Kara shared. "So, the fact Finding Strength in Sisterhood How Kara Warner '99 Developed Her Skills Through Phi Chapter A career highlight for Kara Warner '99 was attending the Golden Globes! Turning a New Leaf Turning a New Leaf (Continued on page 2)

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