Official Kids Mag

March 22

Official Kids Mag is specifically written for kids ages 5 to 12. It contains activities and stories ranging from kid heroes, cooking, gardening, STEAM, education, fun facts and much more every month.

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Name: Kids Mag 4 x 2" Customer Name: HARPS FOOD STORES INC Ad Number: 022722NWR0641 HARPS H O M E T O W N F R E S H TM Partners in Healthy Lifestyles through Healthy Eating | Pistachios You may already know that pistachios grow on trees. Here are some other fun facts about them. Why are pistachios green? The inside of a pistachio looks more like an avocado than an almond. Something called carotenoids make pistachios green inside. A carotenoid is a plant pigment, a color, that naturally occurs in pistachio nuts, a lot like beta-carotene that makes carrots orange! When combined with the chlorophyll of the plant, these cartenoids give pistachios their yellow-green color. they aren't really nuts! The pistachio isn't really a nut at all. Technically, it is a "drupe," a fleshy tree fruit that contains a shell-covered seed. With pistachios, we get rid of the fruit flesh and eat the tasty seed inside. What's with the weird name? People in Iran call a pistachio the "smiling nut" and in China, they're called "happy nut"… because pistachios look like they're smiling! They're also known as the "green almond." cavemen probably ate them! Pistachios are the original prehistoric snack! One of the oldest flowering nut trees, humans have eaten pistachio nuts for at least 9,000 years. Plus, pistachios and almonds are the only two nuts mentioned in the Bible. they're good for you! Pistachios are a good source of protein, fiber, magnesium, thiamin, and phosphorus. They're an excellent source of vitamin B6, copper, and manganese. Fit for a queen! The Queen of Sheba is said to have loved pistachios. In fact, she demanded that the entire region's pistachio harvest be set aside for her. Pistachios are delicious. Try using them in the pesto recipe on this page! Kiwi Fruit Have you ever eaten a kiwi fruit? Fuzzy and brown on the outside, green and sweet and refreshing on the inside, kiwi is a fun fruit that's available now at your local Harps Market. It's actually a berry! The kiwi is actually a giant berry (Chinese gooseberry) about the size of an egg. It even grows on vines like grapes. It has tiny, black, edible seeds. It was first recorded in the 12th century in China, and then spread to New Zealand in the early 20th century. Finally, it was exported to Great Britain and then to California in the 1960's. What's with the name? When farmers in New Zealand started growing it, they started calling it kiwifruit because its fuzzy appearance reminded them of the flightless bird, the kiwi, that lives in New Zealand. small but mighty! Kiwi has more nutrients than 27 other fruits. A kiwi has twice the amount of Vitamin C as an orange, and twice the amount of nutrients as an apple. It's also a great source of fiber and antioxidants, along with Vitamins A, B6, B12, E, and potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. How do you eat it? Most people cut a kiwi in half and scoop out the green fruit with a spoon. But you can also slice it and peel it. Or, you can even eat it skin and all! amazing kiwi feats! According to Guinness World Records, the world record for the most kiwis sliced on a balance board in one minute is 65. This record was set on September 7th, 2019 by David Rush of Idaho. David also set another kiwi record in July of 2021 when he stood on a Swiss ball and used a sword to slice through 74 tossed kiwi fruits in one minute. His neighbor Jonathan "Hollywood" Hannon, used both hands to throw the kiwis into the air while David sliced through them with a samurai sword!! The fastest time to peel and eat a kiwi fruit is 5.35 seconds and this record was set by Ashrita Furman at the Panorama Café in Jamaica, New York, USA, in 2008. Try adding a kiwi to the green smoothie recipe on the previous page!! Don't forget to look for all the ingredients for healthy "green" eating at your neighborhood Harps Market! Prep time: 10 min serves: 6 ingredients: • 2 cloves of garlic • ½ tsp salt • 3 cups basil, firmly packed • ½ tsp lemon juice • 1 Tbsp sunflower seeds, pine nuts, walnuts, almonds or pistachios • ½ cup olive oil • 1/3 cup parmesan cheese or nutritional yeast (optional) instructions: 1. Add garlic, salt, basil, lemon juice, and seeds or nuts to a food processor or blender. 2. While the blender is running, slowly pour in the olive oil. If your blender doesn't have this option, just pour in half of the oil, blend for 10 seconds, then add the rest of the oil. 3. Blend until smooth or pureed. 4. If you are adding parmesan, add it at the end and blend for another 15 seconds. 5. Use this on your favorite pasta or as a sandwich spread! Try it with whole wheat pasta and sauteed veggies like eggplant, bell peppers and squash! Fresh Basil Pesto this is a Queen of sheba cake! hTTp:// HARPS H O M E T O W N F R E S H • MarcH 2022 • 7

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