Up & Coming Weekly

August 10, 2021

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM AUGUST 11-17, 2021 UCW 19 WEEKLY HOROSCOPE NEWS OF THE WEIRD by the Editors at Andrews McMeel Syndication Awesome! In 1961, when she was 10 years old, Gwen Goldman sent a letter to New York Yankees general manager Roy Hamey, offering her services as a bat girl. Hamey responded, "In a game dominated by men a young lady such as yourself would feel out of place in a dugout." Goldman kept the letter from Hamey on her bulletin board for the next 60 years, and her daughter recently forwarded it to current general manager Brian Cashman. On June 28, United Press International reported, Goldman was invited to Yankee Stadium to fulfill her dream. Her visit included a tour of the clubhouse, meet-and-greet with players and coaches, and photos with umpires — plus she got to throw out the first pitch wearing a full pinstripe Yankees uniform. The Passing Parade Deer are not native to Australia, which might explain why two nude sunbathers in Royal National Park, south of Sydney, ran into the bush when a deer startled them on a nudist beach. The two men, 30 and 49 years old, became lost and called for help, summoning a police rescue helicopter to pluck them from the forest, Reuters reported. Unfortunately for them, they were found to be breaching a COVID-19 lockdown instated in response to the delta variant, and both were charged with fines. Creepy A TikTok user in New Jersey shared the unsettling scene that unfolded as she pulled up carpet in her new home, the New York Post reported. "Ashley" showed followers the floorboards un- derneath the carpet, which ap- peared to show a bloodstained imprint of a human being and a chalk outline of a body, along with a 2018 date and a case number. "I wasn't bothered knowing someone died in my new house," Ashley said. Re- sponding to comments on her video, she tested the bloodstain by spraying hydrogen peroxide on it, which caused bubbling — a sure sign that the substance was blood, some said. Still, Ash- ley isn't fazed: It "seems chill here. It's all good." Question: Why did Megan Boone (who plays Liz Keen) announce her departure from "e Blacklist" be- fore the finale aired? It took a lot of tension out of the episode because you knew she would be the one not appearing next year. It wasn't an- nounced until after the episode aired that creator Jon Bokenkamp would be leaving as well. Why didn't they do the announcements together? It would have made the season finale much more impactful and suspense- ful to watch. — Tenille Matt Roush: I can see that this would be aggravating, which is why I often advise people NOT to seek out stories about their favor- ite shows at critical times if they'd prefer not to be spoiled. ere are very few TV secrets successfully kept nowadays, but in this case, Boone choosing to put her farewell post out there before the episode even aired was a decision made between her and her PR team, and I'm the last person who would know why they felt it was so urgent they couldn't wait until fans saw Liz's presumed death scene. But in the bigger picture, for the female lead and the series creator to bolt simul- taneously gives fuel to speculation that next year could or should be the last for "e Blacklist." To submit questions to TV Critic Matt Roush, go to: tvinsider.com. By Damian Holbrook Cheers to "Batwoman" for rising to the challenge. Not only did Javicia Leslie's Ryan Wilder fill the cowl left by original lead Ruby Rose, but the action-packed second-season finale on e CW got us all fired up for Season 3 by unleashing Camrus Johnson's Luke Fox as the heroic Batwing and also teasing the arriv- als of two iconic villains from the Bat-canon. Jeers to "Sasquatch" for myth-rep- resenting itself. Hulu's new docuse- ries sounds like it's all about Bigfoot, but that's just a big ruse. e real focus of this oddity is a colorful crew of weed famers in Northern Cali who have clearly enjoyed enough of their crops to blame the urban leg- end on a triple homicide. ARIES - March 21/April 20 Tr y to dig a little deeper and not take things at face value this week, Aries. Some surpris- ing elements that you may not initially recognize are just waiting to be discovered. TAURUS - April 21/May 21 It's good to have a rich fantasy life to envi- sion plans for the future, Taurus. Some of these ideas may come to fruition this week as you dig down deep into your creative side. GEMINI - May 22/June 21 Avoid jumping to the conclusion that a romantic partner is looking to move on, Gemini. ere may be another underlying factor at play that will soon come to light. CANCER - June 22/July 22 Some major news is the catalyst that ignites the flame for your motivation to change, Cancer. You may find you're interested in volunteerism or another worthy project. LEO - July 23/Aug. 23 Enjoy time spent connecting with some new people this week, Leo. It is a fine time to branch out of your t ypical social circles and embrace new friendships with confidence. VIRGO - Aug. 24/Sept. 22 You gravitate toward people who prefer to see life through rose-colored glasses this week, Virgo. Enjoy this optimistic outlook and make the most of it. LIBR A - Sept. 23/Oct. 23 An intense phone call may put you on edge for a little while, Libra. But once you get to the heart of the matter and think things through, you can work it out. SCORPIO - Oct. 24/Nov. 22 Scorpio, your desire to socialize will be stronger than ever, so get out there and make a new friend or two. You will enjoy sharing ideas with others and tr ying some new things. SAGITTARIUS - Nov. 23/Dec. 21 Appreciate all of the good things you have going in your life now, Sagittarius. Pay hom- age to those who have lent a hand or offered support that went above and beyond. CAPRICORN - Dec. 22/Jan. 20 You may be on the brink of making a major move Capricorn. Tr y not to focus too much on all of the small details; look at the bigger picture. AQUARIUS - Jan. 21/Feb. 18 A short trip out of town might be necessar y to clear your head, Aquarius. Schedule some time to get away so you can rest, relax and recharge free of distraction. PISCES - Feb. 19/March 20 Take some time alone this week to reorder your priorities, Pisces. You may have made commitments that no longer are vital. 2021 Best of Fayetteville Special Edition • Coming September 29, 2021 ATTENTION LOCAL BUSINESSES... NEED CUSTOMERS? Advertise & promote your business all year long eectively and aordably! Advertise, market and promote your business in the most popular, most read edition of the year! For more information, rates and deadlines call (910) 484-6200 RESERVE YOUR SPACE TODAY! SPECIAL EDITION Published, Distributed and Online in the Fayetteville, Ft. Bragg and Cumberland County area ALL YEAR! Cumberland County's Community Newspaper 2 2 N D ANNU A L SPE C I A L E D I T I O N

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