Theta Xi - Bradley University

Spring 2021 Newsletter

Alpha Sigma Chapter of Theta Xi at Bradley University

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THE TAXI NEWS PAGE 2 All True Men Society ($50,000 and above) Wayne Janus Craig S. Janus '00 6294 Society ($25,000 to $49,999) An Alumnus Family Fund Robert F. Schmanski '99 In memory of Leonard S. Goldfine '96 Azure Blue Society ($15,000 to $24,999) Anonymous Timothy M. Bender '82 John Kiolbasa '01 Silver Society ($10,000 to $14,999) Alpha Sigma Chapter of Theta Xi Fraternity Douglas B. Babel, M.D. '82 In memory of Friends Lost Brad Beutlich '85 Chris Houle '85 Chuck Kocian '94 Jon G. Kujanski '00 Kristopher J. Kopel '01 1317 Society ($5,000 to $9,999) Florence Meyer Jim and Kelli Williams In memory of Alex Williams Derek J. Hupfer '99 Douglas J. Patchin '01 Jacob Grebner '02 Dr. & Mrs. Carl Murphy '03 Clifton D. Holly '11 Kyle R. Gehling '17 Trent J. Hootman '17 Andrew M. Bogetz '19 In memory of Alex Williams Juncti Juvant Society ($2,500 to $4,999) Julie Anderson Commander Jon Haase Peter A. Szydlowski '65 Joseph T. Ferrick '79 In honor of Gerald T. Ferrick and Veronica M. Ferrick Joseph R. Proehl '89 Matthew R. Ault '95 Derek L. Parkinson '95 Celyn M. Evans '99 Scott L. Masur '99 Tim Heyen '03 In memory of Gary Gleespen '01 Nicholas Jones, Ph.D. '06 Michael Prather '11 Andrew J. Davis '14 Michael D. Kull '15 Timothy W. Pec '15 Clay D. Darrow '18 1948 Society ($1,000 to $2,499) Paul and Dianne Price Christopher Smith Ralph W. Grandle '58 Richard T. Bowman '61 William C. Pickett '84 Clifford Sellie '84 Quentin R. Sullivan '84 Daniel P. Corr '86 Thomas H. Friday '94 James A. McDonald III '94 Nathan Hood '95 Tony Lynch '97 In memory of Bob Songer '53 Bill Fanning '55 and Drea Hast '55 Michael J. Hanson '00 David C. Jarvas '01 Benjamin A. Bean '13 Dakota L. Mahan '15 Andrew W. Potter '15 Alexander R. Vallejo '15 Alex E. Rambke '16 Matthew T. Mathius '17 Maxwell A. Rydell '17 Mark C. O'Neal '18 Jordan T. Ingram '19 Christopher Leonard '19 Reid Chapman '20 Howard D. Kline '20 Joseph Tarnowski '20 Donors (Up to $999) Jeffrey Duggan Sr. Rich Durante Aaron Forehand Grant Giesler Michael Haase Brian Henderson Ryan Janus Matthew Janus Dale Jarvas Robert Morrison Kathleen Petitti Barbara Whiting Charles E. Carlson '59 Lee H. Falberg '60 Richard W. Banko '61 Robert L. Habel '61 In memory of Jim Hancock Ralph C. Cordaro '62 Jack F. Andrews '63 Thomas L. Taradash '65 Bill W. Heimbach '67 Steven B. Salk '70 Kenneth W. Carlson '79 David F. Turner '82 Daniel L. Parker '83 Eric W. Westburg '86 Robert T. Harner '90 Steve Smith '92 Sean C. Hebein '00 Hans P. Frei '02 Darin A. Mackiewicz '02 Stephen G. Petrany '04 James Jarvis '05 Michael B. Maida '05 Aaron C. Smeltzer '06 Thank You, Loyal Brothers, for Committing $440,900 to the Capital Campaign W e are deeply grateful to the 102 brothers and friends who have committed $440,900 to our campaign, Building on Our Past, Securing Our Future—The Legacy of Alpha Sigma. This generosity demonstrates that these alumni and undergraduates recognize the importance of ensuring the future of Theta Xi. If an error has been made in recording your gift, we sincerely apologize. Please contact Campaign Chairman Craig Janus '00 with corrections at Campaign Status At-a-Glance As of March 12, 2021 Goal: $500,000 Written Commitments: $440,900 Donors: 102 Active Alumni: 521 Participation: 19.5% Building on Our Past, Securing Our Future The Legacy of Alpha Sigma Along with promoting the Theta Xi experience during recruitment, Steve has many great memories from date parties, playing intramural sports, and simply spending time with his brothers. He's calling on his brothers to reflect on their favorite Theta Xi memories and help make it possible for the collegians and future brothers to reap the rewards of Alpha Sigma. "There are a lot of ways you can spend your money, but supporting this campaign provides a tremendous return on investment because it secures the future for our fraternity so others can enjoy it the way we have," Steve said. "It's satisfying to contribute because you really know you're making an impact that matters so much." Steve's contribution to the campaign is one of many ways he's giving back, as volunteer work is one of his favorite things to do in his spare time. One achievement he's really proud of is that he helped lead the effort to build the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League rubberized baseball complex in his community for individuals with special needs. He and his wife have also enjoyed being involved with their three kids' sports teams and activities. While Steve has enjoyed his job, volunteer work, and spending time with his family, one change in his life he does want to make is meeting up with Alpha Sigma brothers he has lost touch with over the years. He's looking forward to resuming his normal work travel schedule once the pandemic subsides and visiting brothers all over the country. "I would love to reconnect with all the brothers that I shared time with at Bradley," Steve said. "If I haven't reconnected with you yet, please reach out to me. I would love to have the chance to catch up over drinks or dinner the next time I end up near you." You can connect with Steve at Transforming More Lives at Theta Xi (Continued from page 1)

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