Theta Xi - Bradley University

Spring 2021 Newsletter

Alpha Sigma Chapter of Theta Xi at Bradley University

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THE TAXI NEWS ALPHA SIGMA CHAPTER OF THETA XI • BRADLEY UNIVERSITY Alpha Sigma Association of Theta Xi 105 Canterbury Lane #1041 Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Address Service Requested STAY CONNECTED WITH ALPHA SIGMA ONLINE ALPHA SIGMA WEBSITE CHAPTER FACEBOOK Theta Xi Fraternity - Alpha Sigma Chapter (Bradley Univ.) PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP Theta Xi Bradley University W e will host our annual meeting on Saturday, May 1. As a part of this meeting, we will elect our next alumni board! We will be casting votes via the online platform, PollEverywhere. I want to call on all brothers to consider running for the following positions. • President: Presides over meetings and guides the general direction of the board. • Vice President: Serves in the president's stead should he be unable to carry out his duties, records alumni board meeting minutes, and leads special projects. • Secretary: Charged with custody of the alumni board's records, handles correspondence with alumni base (e.g., this newsletter). • Officer of the Estate: Handles affairs dealing with the physical property of the chapter house in coordination with the active chapter. This position would be best served by someone who is within an hour's drive of the chapter house. • Officer of the Treasury: Charged with custody of the alumni board's financial records and proceedings. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or are interested in any of these positions. Yours in the Bonds, Andrew Potter '15 (309) 825-4640 annual meeting Scheduled for may 1 Don't Miss Your Chance to Join the Alumni Board! Over winter break, Trevor Smith '21 and his girlfriend, Katelyn Major, visited Joseph Tarnowski '20 in Seattle, Washington. Since moving to Seattle to work for Liberty Mutual, Joe has taken to hiking and the outdoors. Trevor, an Eagle Scout, enjoyed the nature that Washington has to offer. Brothers band together to help recover a brother's soaked books after a leak in his ceiling caused water to fall on his bookshelf. With the use of hairdryers and fans scrounged from the rooms, the books were dried out and returned to their spot on the shelf.

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