Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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12 UCW JANUARY 13-19, 2021 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM COVER COVID-19 vaccinations underway in Cumberland County a STAFF REPORT e Cumberland County Department of Public Health formally moved into Phase 1b, Group 1 of the COVID-19 Vaccination Plan on Jan. 8 administering the coronavirus vaccine to anyone 75 years of age and older, regardless of health conditions. More than 500 people received the vaccine at the clinic held at the Crown Complex. Within the first three hours, 200 vaccines were given to individuals in Phase 1a and Phase 1b, Group 1. Individuals who received their first dose of the vaccine are eligible to get their final dose as early as Jan. 29. "is was our first mass vaccination clinic for the public, and we are pleased that things ran smooth- ly," said Health Director Dr. Jennifer Green. "We will continue to fine-tune our operations as we expand our capacity moving forward into the other phases." e Health Department has already been vac- cinating individuals in Phase 1a in a closed point of distribution center at the facility. e Health Department coordinated with Cape Fear Valley Health to assist with overflow from the medical center's limited supply clinic held the same day. Among those receiving a vaccination at Cape Fear Valley Health was Fayetteville Mayor Mitch Colvin. Although he is not 75 years old, as a licensed funeral director, Colvin falls within the criteria for front-line workers to receive the vaccine. He wanted to pub- licly receive the vaccine, Colvin said, to encourage all residents to receive it when they get the opportunity. As a funeral director, Colvin said he has seen first- hand how COVID-19 has affected this community. "is virus is real, it is to be taken seriously," Colvin said. "But the light at the end of the tunnel is this vaccine … this vaccine is safe, it's needed and it's necessary." e next vaccination clinics at the Crown Expo Center for individuals in Phase 1a and Phase 1b, Group 1 are scheduled for Jan. 12, 13, 15 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, while supplies last. Individuals who are not part of Phase 1a or Phase 1b, Group 1, are not eligible to be vaccinated at this time. Phase 1a is for health care workers at high risk for exposure and staff and residents at long-term care facilities. Phase 1b, Group 1 is for people 75 years of age or older. e COVID-19 vaccine is still limited and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis at the clinics. No appointments are necessary. Anyone seeking the vaccine will be screened prior to entering the vaccination area. Vaccinations will be available in a drive-thru setting at the Crown Complex at the West VIP parking lot. A walk-in option will be available at the front of the building. Visitors should expect long lines and come prepared to wait. Visit the County's vaccine website https:// co.cumberland.nc.us/departments/ public-health-group/public-health/ covid-19-vaccine for additional instructions. Learn more about the COVID-19 vaccina- tion phases on the County's vaccination page at co.cumberland.nc.us/covid19vaccine or call 910- 433-3770. Cape Fear Valley Health will begin online appointment scheduling for vaccines starting Jan. 13 for its hospital campuses including the Cape Fear Valley Medical Center in Fayetteville and Cape Fear Valley hospitals in Hoke and Bladen counties. Following the prioritization schedule from the NC Department of Health and Human Services, vaccines will go to those in Phases 1b, group 1, as well as continuing vaccinating first and second doses for healthcare workers in Phase 1a. Individuals in the current phases may schedule an appointment online at www.cape- fearvalley.com/covid19 by choosing a time block. Time blocks for the Medical Center in Fayetteville will be 7-10 a.m.; 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.; 1-4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. Vaccine sup- ply is limited and space is limited for each block. At the Cape Fear Valley Medical Center in Fayetteville, the vaccine clinic will continue in the Rehabilitation Center Auditorium. Individuals should arrive to the building from the corner of Melrose and John Carlisle Lane and look for the "Event Parking" sign for the designated parking lot. Do not arrive more than 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment block. Visit www.capefearvalley.com/covid19 to schedule an appointment and check for ad- ditional COVID-19 updates. ere is also an automated message line, 910-615-9000, which will be updated through- out the vaccine process with the phase currently being vaccinated. Fayetteville Mayor Mitch Colvin chats with residents waiting to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at Cape Fear Valley Health on Jan. 8. (Photo courtesy Mitch Colvin) Above left: A county healthcare worker administers the COVID-19 vaccine at a clinic Jan. 8. Above right: County work- ers screen residents waiting to receive the vaccine. (Photos courtesy Cumberland County Department of Public Health)