Up & Coming Weekly

January 05, 2021

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM JANUARY 6-12, 2021 UCW 19 WEEKLY HOROSCOPE NEWS OF THE WEIRD by the Editors at Andrews McMeel Syndication It's Come to This China's Civil Aviation Adminis- tration issued updated COVID-19 safety guidelines encouraging flight crews to wear diapers and avoid airplane lavatories. Titled "Techni- cal Guidelines for Epidemic Preven- tion and Control for Airlines," the document included information on wearing masks and other personal protective equipment and also stat- ed, "It is recommended that cabin crew members wear disposable dia- pers and avoid using the lavatories barring special circumstances to avoid infection risks," United Press International reported. Suspicions Confirmed Kaleb Kleiss was arrested in Clearwater, Florida, after a witness saw him driving with the barrel of an AR-15 rifle sticking out the driv- er's side window of his 2016 Volk- swagen, The Smoking Gun reported. Kleiss, who was intoxicated, accord- ing to arrest affidavits, told officers he carries the gun for self-defense because he's "seen crazy stuff since moving to Florida." When police tracked him down, Kleiss was standing next to his car with the weapon "displayed carelessly ... on the dashboard ... in plain view ..." police said, and the gun was "load- ed with a full magazine and a round in the chamber." Kleiss was charged with drunk driving and improper exhibition of a dangerous weapon. Bad Dog An unnamed "pug-like" dog was found at the wheel of a family's van after it plummeted into a ditch in North Grenville, Ottawa. The Ot- tawa Citizen reported that police determined the owners had left the dog in the running car, and it probably bumped the gear shift into reverse, causing the van to slowly back up as the driver ran alongside, trying to get in. "Of course, the dog wasn't charged," said Grenville County police Sgt. Anne Collins. Awesome! French chef Benoit Bruel struck a blow for French cuisine by cap- turing the Guinness World Record for most varieties of cheese on a pizza with 254 cheeses, United Press International reported. Guinness posted a video of Bruel making and then enjoying the pizza, not- ing also that "Benoit took this as a patriotic challenge, as one of the things France is most famous for is its cheeses." Question: I am still incredibly bummed that ABC canceled "Stumptown." Is it gone for good? — Pete Matt Roush: I've seen no up- dates since the proverbial "be- ing shopped around" reports at the time of cancellation. e longer time passes and actors and producers move on to new projects, the less likely are the odds of a rescue. Never say never, but for now, consider "Stumptown" truly canceled. And yes, I'm bummed, too. (But even more so to have it con- firmed that the new version of "One Day at a Time" appears to have finally run out of lifelines.) To submit questions to TV Critic Matt Roush, go to: tvinsider.com. By Damian Holbrook Cheers to "e Mandalorian" for delivering more than just the adorable Baby Yoda. With no new movies on the horizon, the rollicking space Western from Disney+ has handily filled the Sarlacc-size gap in our lives with two seasons of cinematic action, clever links to the Star Wars canon and (nonedible!) Easter eggs aplenty. Cheers to "is Is Us" for of- fering an alternative take with "What if Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) didn't die?" is is exactly what the NBC show is all about : giv- ing us different perspectives and all kinds of surprises. Jeers to "e Conners" for bumming us out. ere's a fine line between slice-of-life com- edy and cutting too close to the bone. And the ABC sitcom's heavy focus on the family's money woes — which drove a despondent, uninsured Dan to declare his death wouldn't even benefit his kids — reflects a harsh reality almost too painful to laugh at. ARIES - March 21/April 20 You may be tempted to loosen up and show more of your personality at work. Just remem- ber to exercise discretion in situations that call for professional demeanor. TAURUS - April 21/May 21 ink before you speak this week, Taurus; otherwise, you may let go of something you had preferred to keep to yourself. GEMINI - May 22/June 21 Gemini, tr y to balance your feelings by focusing on the facts rather than "what ifs." It's alright to feel anxious, but tr y not to let it overwhelm you the next few days. CANCER - June 22/July 22 Cancer, you may finally get the answer to a problem or situation that has been on your mind for some time. It will be a relief to finally let this go and focus on new possibilities. LEO - July 23/Aug. 23 Leo, take some time this week to brainstorm creatively. How would you change things if time and money were no issue? Speculating can provide inspiration. VIRGO - Aug. 24/Sept. 22 Even when under pressure, you manage to present yourself as capable of getting the job done. Always put your best foot forward and portray yourself as someone who is steady. LIBR A - Sept. 23/Oct. 23 Libra, playing it casual and projecting your friendly charm simply isn't going to cut it at work this week. Make it clear that you're ready for a serious discussion. SCORPIO - Oct. 24/Nov. 22 Scorpio, temptation is around ever y corner. Figure out a way to stay grounded and on a suc- cessful track. Friends and family are ready and willing to help. SAGITTARIUS - Nov. 23/Dec. 21 An issue that has to be addressed this week, even though you would rather it just disappear. Focus on a plan and then get others to back you. CAPRICORN - Dec. 22/Jan. 20 Capricorn, you are generous with your time, and now many people are asking for help. You may start to feel burdened. Learn how to say "no" with tact. AQUARIUS - Jan. 21/Feb. 18 Aquarius, check in with a friend if you have an emotional issue that needs working through. It won't be helpful to keep your feelings bottled up inside for too long. PISCES - Feb. 19/March 20 Being in a relationship is a balance of give and take, Pisces. You may feel uncomfort- able asking for what you need, but you shouldn't. Earn Extra CA$H! Earn Extra CA$H! Perfect Opportunity for: •Retirees•Retired Military•Teachers on Break •Stay at Home Moms and Dads Call 484-6200 Email resume/work experience to: laurel@upandcomingweekly.com * Must have own vehicle, valid drivers license and insurance. Drivers * Drivers *

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