Desert Messenger

September 16, 2020

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2 September 16, 2020 Drivers License renewal extended PETERSON LAW, P.L.C. C. Peterson, Esq. (517) 927-0932 ACCEPTING A LIMITED NUMBER OF CRIMINAL CASES ON A PRO BONO BASIS. Call or email for further information. Civil, family, landlord/tenant cases accepted on a case-by-case basis, at affordable rates. Quartzsite, Salome, Parker, Lake Havasu City and surrounding areas. National Preparedness Month In today's world, there is a mind-boggling number of information sources all around us. There are apps, websites, social media, TV, video stream- ing services, radio and newspapers. It is critical to know which sources to trust when you or your family are at risk during a natural disaster or another emergency. The Arizona Emergency Information Network (AzEIN) is one source of authorized information. It is the State of Arizona's offi cial platform for emergency updates, preparedness advice, hazard information and related resources. In addition to the website, you can follow AzEIN on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Blogger. Trusted sources in a disaster include also include government offi cials, established news organizations, and fi rst responders. During a response, staff from a wide variety of agencies work together to make sure messages and instructions are consistent, accurate and timely. This is especially rel- evant when the public must take protective action or be evacuated. The Arizona Department of Health Services website contains contact infor- mation for county health departments, poison control, and other key re- sponse partners. Social media can be the fastest way to spread information in an emer- gency, but be cautious. Non-offi cial sources may have good intentions, but not all the facts. It's important to identify these information sources before you're in the middle of an emergency or disaster. As National Pre- paredness Month, September is a good time to start. You can also fi nd general information to prepare for many of the hazards facing Arizonans. Click here to view information on extreme weather, fl ooding and other public health concerns. Stay informed and stay safe. Governor Ducey issued an Execu- tive Order deferring requirements to renew standard driver licenses that have an expiration date between March 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020 by one year from their original expiration date. Under this Execu- tive Order, all Arizona Peace Offi cer Standards and Training Board certi- fi ed law enforcement offi cers as well as state government agencies, coun- ty and municipal governments, and election offi cials will accept Arizona driver license cards with expiration dates between March 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020 as valid identi- fi cation for any purposes for which unexpired driver license cards would otherwise be accepted. Any driver may see their updated driver license expiration date at Drivers have the option to order a duplicate license with the updated expiration date.

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