Up & Coming Weekly

September 08, 2020

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/1286123

Contents of this Issue


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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM SEPTEMBER 9-15, 2020 UCW 15 Rock Without The Hard Edge for Fayetteville. And Local News updates throughout the day. FTCC offers career opportunities in Information Technology by TOMICA SOMBERS There are many reasons why one should consider Information Technolog y as a f ield of study. Information Technolog y includes many different areas you can choose from. The job market is constant ly grow ing and a funda- mental Informational Technolog y k nowledge- base opens t he door to pursue a vast number of different careers w it hin t he f ield. There w ill always be a demand for technolog y specia- lists, as new advancements are continually on t he horizon and t he f inancial reward is great. FTCC offers an Information Technolog y degree in PC Support & Ser v ices as well as Database Management. This curriculum pre- pares graduates to work in t he Information Technolog y f ield as Help Desk Technicians, Technical Support Specialists, Field Ser v ice Technicians, System Support Specialists and a number of ot her positions. Students w ill learn about computer hard- ware and soft ware in order to troubleshoot and solve problems. Students also learn t he fundamentals of ot her areas in Information Technolog y like Programming, Net work ing, Securit y and Virtualization. Education and training in Information Technolog y can be an asset for an indiv idual's career. We are not limited to only t hose indiv i- duals who are seek ing an associate degree. For t hose who are seek ing t hat additional career training, we have several certif icate programs t hat are condensed, focusing on one particular area of interest. FTCC also offers education opportunities for high school students. There are many certi- f icates available to High School Connections and Cumberland Poly technic High School students. A nyone interested in t he program may apply to FTCC from t he homepage w w w.fay techcc. edu by click ing on Apply Now. There is no application fee and ever yone is accepted. During t he admissions process, you w ill be able to indicate your area interest. You can select t he Information Technolog y/ Database Management or Information Technolog y/PC Support & Ser v ices program at t his location in t he process. Once t he admissions process is complete, you can begin registering for classes right away. Students can begin t heir major courses t heir f irst semester. Interested indiv iduals may also contact Tomica Sobers, at 910-678-7368 or email at sobersto@fay techcc.edu. Registration is current ly open for Fall 8-week classes. Classes begin Oct. 15. New students can schedule an appointment w it h an admissions counselor or email admissions- counselors@fay techcc.edu for assistance w it h admissions, counseling and registration. FTCC offers over 280 curriculum programs of study where some academic credits trans- fer to some four-year colleges/universities and also offers a w ide range of Corporate and Continuing Education (noncredit transfer) classes and programs of study. For convenience of study in a safe learning env ironment (online, v irtual or traditional classroom), affordabilit y, student club/orga- nization experiences and a high-qualit y edu- cation, make t he smart choice for education— Fayettev ille Technical Communit y College. EDUCATION TOMICA SOMBERS, FTCC dept. chair of PC Support and Da- tabase Management. Comments? Editor@upandcomingweekly.com. FTCC offers an Information Technology curriculum that prepares graduates to work as Help Desk Technicians, Technical Support Specialists, Field Service Technicians, System Support Specialists and a number of other positions.

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