Desert Messenger

August 12, 2020

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WHAT'S INSIDE 2 New Nurse Practioner 2 End of Life Options 3 The Big Tent 2021 plans 4 QES Distance Learning plans 4 2020 Census 5 The Salvation Army Updates 5 Bruce Swart Dies 6 Editorial 6 COVID-19 Updates 8 Disqualifi ed Candidate response 11 MVD updates 12 The Latest Fashion Accessory 13 In Memoriam 14 Classifeds 14 Paul Winer's Cartoon 15 DM 2020-21 Deadlines • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, August 12, 2020 VOL. 16 # 324 Now in our 1 6 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! August 12 Paul Winer's Cartoon SEE PRIMARY PAGE 4 August 4 th Primary Election Results Primary Election results were released late Thursday, August 6th, 2020 by La Paz County Elec- tions Offi ce. Voter turnout in La Paz County was 32.59% Quartzsite Non-partisan races: Mayor: Norm Simpson (419 votes) won his reelection race against write-in candidate Am- ber Myers (104 votes.) Quartzsite Town Council: 2 year seat: No candidate received 50%+1 votes, so Dennis Vosper (191 votes) will face off in the Gen- eral Election against incumbent Karey Amon (128 votes). Monica Timberlake received 113 votes. Randy Smith had 67 votes. Quartzsite Town Council: 4 year positions: Incumbents Bev- erly Cunningham (355 votes) and Starr BearCat (203 votes) won their races. Write-in candidate Don Day had 157 votes. Write-in candidate Sam Saxton was dis- qualifi ed before the election, so all votes cast for him did not count. La Paz County Sheriff: Re- publicans: Quartzsite Police Chief William Ponce (1,248 votes) won over incumbent Sheriff Bill Risen (781 votes) and Frank Vidrine (314 votes.) Will Ponce will face Democrat Felipe Rodriguez and Independent Mike Roth in No- vember election. La Paz County Supervisors: Republican (no Dems ran) District 1: David Plunkett (455 votes) District 2: Incumbent Duce Mi- nor (744 votes) won against Jeff McCormick (427) District 3: Incumbent Holly Irwin (358 votes) won against Gary"Zak" Zakrajsek (251 votes) La Paz County Treasurer: Republican (no Dems ran) Incumbent Leah Castro won with 2,141 votes. Thursday, August 6, 2020: The Quartzsite community showed up at Hi Jolly Cemetery to honor Brett McChristian, a homeless veteran they didn't know.

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