Desert Messenger

June 17, 2020

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WHAT'S INSIDE 2 July 4th Changes 3 Transit updates 3 Food Bank updates 3 Independence Day Word Search 4 July 4th Voter Registration 4 The Salvation Army Updates 5 Blood Drive 6 Editorial 8 QPD welcomes new offi cer 9 Gardening with Dennis 10 Brother & Sister reunite 12 Candidates answer questions 14 Classifeds 14 Paul Winer's Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 2020 VOL. 16 # 322 Now in our 1 6 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! Paul Winer's Cartoon ����� | S������ RAIN G�����-B��� Quartzsite Strong! New way to chat with Town Hall Town of Quartzsite now offers text notifi cations on your phone through TextMyGov. iWorQ is excited to announce a strategic partnership with @TextMyGov to expand citizen engagement with text messaging To opt in, text the word "QUARTZSITE" to 91896. What to expect: After the initial keyword is sent, you'll receive a confi rmation message asking you to reply "YES" to verify opt-in. There will be 0-4 text messages per month with a notifi cation from the Town regarding the categories you are opted-in for. Message and data rates may apply. Check with your mobile phone carrieer for more details. How to Opt-Out: Text "STOP" at any time to remove yourself from the notifi caiton list. Also are you looking for answers? Need to report an issue? Now you can Text the Town of Quartzsite directly. Introducing the new way to skip a phone call and use your mobile phone's text messaging to fi nd answers to your questions. Text "hi" or one the words listed below, to 928-260-4442. "Trees, Sewer, Contact, Street, Water, Pothole, Weeds, Depart- ments, FAQ." TextMyGov will help you to quick- ly fi nd the answers your looking for or help you to report an issue to the Town. Quartzsite, AZ - Tyson Wells Market Centre was the busiest place in town Sat. June 6, 2020. Discount Grocery Liquidators and Star Liqui- dators thanked the community for another great season by holding a FREE FOOD Give-away. They joined with H.E.M.P. (Honor, Encour- age, Motivate, Prosper) Legacy Foundation to bring in two truckloads of groceries and product in addition to stock already in the store. H.E.M.P. founder Heidi Hemp and her nephew, BJ, were on hand to help distribute the free food to the Quartzsite community. The H.E.M.P. Legacy Foundation was started to HONOR every person where they are right now, regardless of their past. We ENCOURAGE people to move forward and MOTIVATE them to take the steps needed to be the healthy, energetic, motivated person that they were born to be. By doing this we believe that everyone PROSPERs. Hemp said, "I want to treat everyone with respect, no matter where they are, because we're all the same. And if I can help you today, maybe tomorrow you can help someone else." Glen, Debbie, Wes and staff wish to send their thanks to you all and hope you have a wonderful summer! They will return to the same location in the fall. To learn more about H.E.M.P. visit H.E.M.P. & local business held food give-a-way

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