Gamma Phi Beta - University of Kansas

Spring 2020 Newsletter

Sigma Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta Sorority at the University of Kansas

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SIGMA NEWS GAMMA PHI BETA AT THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS • SPRING 2020 I t has been a busy spring semester for Sigma Chapter. In February, seven members of execu ve council a ended the REAL Leadership Conference in Chicago, Illinois, for leadership development and support regarding officer transi ons. The objec ve of the conference was to build strong teams between execu ve officers and their volunteer support teams. MARCH MADNESS In early March, we hosted Eliza Johnson, a collegiate chapter supervisor (formerly called a collegiate consultant) from Interna onal. Eliza was impressed with the women of Sigma and made a posi ve assessment of our opera ons. Sigma's public rela ons advisors also held a social media training session for execu ve officers. Our goal is to improve our social media presence and bring a professional story to KU Gamma Phi social media. THANK YOU, ALUMNAE Our house director, Susan Harper, spent three weeks on a mission trip in Africa this March. While she was gone, Donna Hauser O'Neal '67 filled in for this important role. We are so lucky to have Donna on standby for when Susan requires leave. Thank you, Donna! THANK YOU, SUSAN We would like to thank Susan for the generous $25,000 scholarship she contributed to Sigma Chapter last year. We are so grateful to her, and every alumna who support our students. COLLEGIANS ACHIEVE EXCELLENCE Gamma Phi ranked third in grades among other sorori es on The Hill last fall! The chapter GPA was 3.47 overall with five women in our freshman pledge class achieving 4.0s, and 31 making 4.0. Next year, the grade requirement to pledge Sigma will be 3.4 based on high school grades— an increase from the 3.2 requirement in the past. We think this change will have a posi ve effect on the chapter. In IIKE, Sigma Affiliated Corpora on Board SIGMA SETS THE STANDARD Gamma Phi Celebrates Successful Semester Sigma Chapter execu ve officers. volunteer noun vol· un· teer | \vä-lən-ˈ r\ A person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service. Volunteering enriches our society, brings us together as a community, and helps keep businesses and other organiza ons afloat. Lindsey Ingram '01 volunteers for Sigma Chapter to ensure that young women have the same prepara on for and exposure to the real world that she did as a collegian. "Gamma Phi Beta isn't limited to four years," she said. "It can extend well beyond your collegiate experience, just as the friendships will." This is why she believes it's important for all alumnae to reconnect with the chapter. She urges her sisters to start small in volunteering for Sigma. There are so many ways to get involved, whether it be at an event, as a guest speaker, or jumping in fully as an advisor. "The women are so wonderful to be around. If you come to one event, you will want to come back!" advisor noun ad·vis·er | \ədˈvīzər\ A person who gives advice in a par cular field. As social media advisor, Lindsey offers guidance by reviewing goals, objec ves, and the progress of the organiza on. "Social media is the face poten al new members, their parents, and alumnae see. I want those audiences to be as proud of the Sigma women as I am," she said. The Definitions of Lindsey Ingram '01 And Why She Gives Back to Sigma Chapter (Con nued on page 4) W e hope you and your families are healthy and priori zing your health. Recent worldwide events have given way to many cancella ons and rethinking our priori es as we are dealing with the spread of the Covid-19. We share your concerns about keeping our families safe and making certain that our senior family members have good support during this challenging me. Due to KU moving all classes online and shu ng down student housing, the house corpora on board has made the difficult decision to close the chapter house un l further no ce. We are commi ed to con nuing to support our staff who care for 1339 W. Campus Road and our ac ve members, many of whom have incurred unexpected expenses while naviga ng these changes. In turn, please consider suppor ng Sigma as we adjust to the financial impact of these events. You can give online at h p:// or return a check using the enclosed envelope. During these uncertain mes, we have never been more thankful for the enduring sisterhood that Gamma Phi Beta provides! Sigma Chapter Addresses COVID-19

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