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2 April 1, 2020 Essential Services List 410 E. MAIN ST. QUARTZSITE, AZ 928-927-9300 Open Daily 7am-7pm COYOTE FRESH FOODS Fresh Bread & Rolls Daily HOMEMADE SALADS! Custom Designed Cakes FRESH BAKED COOKIES & PIES THE BEST CUSTOM CUT MEATS! Fried Chicken & BBQ Ribs Daily! DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS! Friday Fish Lunch Special! • Grocery Stores and Pharmacies • Health care and public health operations. • Services for elderly people, those with developmental disabilities, fos- ter and adopt children and individuals experiencing homelessness. • Infrastructure operation, such as food production, utility operators, construction and internet providers. • First responders and other emergency personnel. • Veterinary care. • Outdoor recreation activities. • Charities and social service organizations, including nonprofi ts and food banks. • Media organizations. • Gas stations and other transportation-related businesses. • Banks and credit unions. • Hardware and supply stores. • "Critical trades," such as plumbers, electricians, cleaning, sanitation and security. • Shipping and mail services. • Educational institutions. • Laundry services. • Restaurants, for takeout and delivery. • Supplies to work from home. • Supplies for Essential Businesses & Operations • IT and telecommunications • Airlines, taxis and ride-sharing services. • Home-based care and services • Residential facilities and shelters • Professional and personal services • Legal, real estate and accounting services. • Day-care centers for employees of essential businesses. • Manufacturers and distributors of "critical products." • Hotels & motels • Funeral services. The order allows for essential employees to work remotely if they can. The full Executive Order can be found online at We offer Home Delivery Service. Call for details. Custom Designed CAKES! Send a message of encouragement As the coronavirus pandemic leaves people all over the world in self-iso- lation, Quartzsite Chamber & Tourism is offering a limited number of Quartzsite postcards free to anyone wishing to send a greeting to lift the spirits of fi rst responders, medical professionals, teachers, store clerks, wait staff, patients, etc. Pick up a pack of four postcards at Coyote Fresh Foods, as supplies last. For more details, contact the Chamber via email to "Stay home, Stay healthy, Stay connected" – that's what the state is asking of fellow Arizonans in the continued effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. The latest Executive Order issued Monday, March 30, 2020 by Governor Doug Ducey follows new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and comes at the recommendation of public health offi cials who are tracking data specifi c to Arizona. The Governor's order promotes increased physical distancing, while encouraging social con- nectedness among citizens. It takes place at 5:00 p.m.March 31, 2020. Gov. Doug Ducey's Stay-At-Home Executive order keeps open jobs in fi ve categories: Healthcare and Public Operations, Human Service Operations, Essential Infrastructure Operations, Essential Government Functions, and Essential Businesses and Operations.