Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM OCTOBER 23-29, 2019 UCW 31 WEEKLY HOROSCOPE NEWS OF THE WEIRD by the Editors at Andrews McMeel Syndication Unintended consequences An unidentified man in Phoe- nix, Arizona, became angry at his upstairs neighbors for mak- ing too much noise on Oct. 6. He first tried banging on their door around 11:20 p.m., but then returned to his apartment and fired several shots into his ceil- ing — one of which apparently ricocheted and hit him in the face, according to the Arizona Re- public. Although no one else was injured, the shooter was taken to the hospital in extremely critical condition. Oops! Homeowner Linda Taylor-Whitt of Lynwood, Illinois, and her fam- ily returned home from a birthday dinner on Oct. 5 to find "a wheel coming through my washroom ceiling" in an upstairs bathroom. Taylor-Whitt, who lives about a mile from Lansing Municipal Air- port, told the Chicago Tribune she "didn't know what kind of wheel it was at first. I guessed it was an airplane wheel," she said. But it was from a helicopter, according to Amy Summers of SummerSkyz Inc., a helicopter flight school in Lansing. When Summers heard about the incident, she knew she'd found the ground-handling wheel she'd been missing, and called Taylor-Whitt to apologize. The wheel had apparently been left on one of the company's he- licopters during flight and fell off. Taylor-Whitt was relieved the damage wasn't worse: "I am glad — thank you, Lord — that it was a wheel instead of a plane because it could've been so bad." Awesome! Open your wallet: If you have enough scratch, you can buy a customized pair of Nike Air Max 97s dubbed "Jesus Shoes" from a Brooklyn, New York, company called MSCHF. Introduced online Oct. 8, the shoes have 60ccs of holy water from the Jordan River injected into the soles "so you can literally walk on water," noted Cosmopolitan, a crucifix in the laces, red insoles harkening to Vatican traditions, and a Matthew 14:25 inscription. They are also scented with frankincense and sport a godly white and light blue colorway. The Jesus Shoes origi- nally sold for $1,425, but are now fetching anywhere from $2,000 to upwards of $11,000. Question: "Dancing with the Stars" excludes the West coast from voting. Why should I watch a show that totally dismisses us viewers? As for the new set, the focus should be on the dancers, not a bunch of glitz. —Ricki Matt Roush : But where would "Dancing with the Stars" be with- out glitz? That said, you have a legitimate complaint. It does seem counterintuitive for a com- petition show based on audience participation to exclude such a large portion of the American public. Although reading the fine print in ABC's press releases, live voting on Mondays is available to fans in all time zones during the 8-10 p.m./ET hours (via abc.com, the ABC app and SMS/text). So theoretically, you could vote for a favorite team — from the week before, not the live show, obvi- ously To submit questions to T V Critic Matt Roush, go to: tvinsider.com. by Damian Holbrook Cheers to "The Unicorn" for be- ing a horse of a different color for Walton Goggins. So good at playing dark ("Justified's" Boyd Crowder and "Six's" Rip Taggart) and demented ("Vice Principals" weird Lee Russell), the actor is unexpectedly and refreshingly lovable as a widowed dad in CBS's heartfelt new comedy. Jeers to NBC's "Grim Weepers." During the first official week of the new fall season, tears were flowing all over the network as "Chicago Med" offed Ava (Norma Kuhling), "Chicago Fire's" Otis (Yuri Sardarov) died following a mattress-factory fire and "New Amsterdam" revealed that Max (Ryan Eggold) had lost his wife in last May's cliffhanger ambulance crash. Guess death really does come in threes! ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Sometimes you have to make others work to earn your affection, Aries. You can't make it easy for ever yone, and that's fine. Set your own criteria for friendships. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 After several meaningful conversations with a confidante, your mind may be changed on an important topic, Taurus. Embrace this newfound perspective. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, even though you have been tr ying your hardest regarding a specific situation, you may have to take a new approach. You tried your best so donÕt let things get you down. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you often like to have all of your ducks in a row, but this week you may need to throw caution to the wind. People may be surprised at your spontaneit y. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Listen carefully to what others are saying, Leo. You have to find the meaning bet ween the words; other wise, you can't get the big- ger picture others are seeing. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Let a few laughs out this week if the pres- sure builds, Virgo. You have been pushing yourself, and it's easy for stress to build up. Laughter is the best medicine for this. LIBR A - Sept 23/Oct 23 A celebration could be in your near future, Libra. You do not know the reason for the excitement just yet, but the details will slowly emerge. Enjoy the ride! SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you have some insider informa- tion that could get you into usually locked doors or special meetings. Use this to your advantage to get ahead this week. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, if you run into a spot of trouble, you can always use your charm to get out of it. You have a way with words, and it usually helps in a pinch. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 You may choose to be understated in your approach to a relationship, Capricorn. However, those closest to you understand that bigger emotions are brewing beneath the surface. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 A few deep breaths and a mantra that every- thing will be okay can help you sail through some pressures at work this week, Aquarius. e dust will soon settle. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, if the right answers do not come to you promptly, then you may not be look ing in the right places. Ponder the situation a bit longer.