You At Your Best

July 2019 • Exercise & Fitness

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was part of the family culture, but he realizes that's not the case for many families, and it's especially concerning for children. "Youngsters need a ton of exercise," he points out. "Kids need a lot more than what they're getting, they need like four hours a day." Dr. Turner admits it's hard to change the culture. He worked in New Zealand for a while where there is a very active exercise culture. "We had 80 year olds going and doing 15K hikes every week, with 1000-2000 foot elevation changes," he recalls. "These are people proving that you can do these things at an older age. Going for a hike is what you do. That's who these people are. The incorporate it in their entire society. It's very deep with them." But Dr. Turner admits that an exercise culture like that is a big shift for Americans. "We work more hours. It's a busy world. There are lot of stressors. It's hard to make changes. It's hard to fit something in if you haven't been raised with it." So, in addition to getting out there themselves, Dr. Turner recommends parents start building a lifelong habit of physical activity for their children. "It starts with play. Get the kids outside, go to a park," he recommends. "It's not just about team sports. Most kids aren't going to play college sports or go pro. But they can mountain bike their whole lives. They can go hike. They can go explore." "it starts with play. Get the kids outside, go to a park," ~ Clint Turner, M.D. SATURdAY, JUnE 29, 2019 | JUlY - ExERciSE & FiTnESS nwAdg.cOm/YOUATYOURBEST | YOU AT YOUR BEST | 11 A F A m i l y - C e n t e r e d A p p r o A C h t o m e m o r y C A r e Magnolia Place is a completely unique community, dedicated to enriching the lives of those living with memory loss. Our holistic approach to care includes developing partnerships with family members and other health care providers to ensure we meet their physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual needs. We create an environment that resident and family members alike are happy to call home. 2000 S. Hampton place • RogeRS, aR • 479.636.0799 •

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