Alpha Phi - University of Missouri

Spring 2019 Newsletter

Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi at the University of Missouri

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Carrie Francke Circle ($1,001 to $2,500) Kathleen Saunders Hamilton '67 Loving Cup Circle ($501 to $1,000) Judith Sohns Runk '57 Sisterhood Circle ($251 to $500) Ashley Munsell Sanders '92 Hand-to-Hand Circle ($101 to $250) Vera Hills Inskeep '52 Myra L. Rottman Nitschke '59 Suzanne Gallais Skelly '66 Brenda Hill Knox '66 Laura Blake Hilgendorf '66 Gayle Horlacher Lashley '68 Lynn Schottel Hudson '69 Susan Chaffin Matthews '69 Sandra Aselman Meranda '78 Kerry Wynn Horton '93 Rekindling Circle (Up to $100) Kimberly Rawie Charlotte Karl Walker '47 Geraldine Davenport '58 Linda Jones Gruenewald '59 Susan Denning Hinton '60 Helen Harrold Moody '60 Suzan Kraft Deneen '62 Ruth E. Aschmann '63 In honor of Charlene Prost '63 Jane Stovesand Dunehew '65 Kay Hollenbeck Hoflander '67 Patricia Greenefield Kurre '69 Denise Blankenship Joyce '71 Mary A. Laffey '76 Karen C. Frick '79 Lisa Marr Doerr '81 Renee Dowd Guirguis '81 Mary Reardon '81 Terri Burton Thompson '82 Susan Fokken Charlier '83 Kimberly Hoehn Hause '92 Theresa Rajczi Tosca, Theta Tau '95 Jamie Coult Domeier '99 Julia Manewith '11 Thank You, Loyal Sisters T hank you to the sisters and friends who generously gave $5,023 to Omicron's annual campaign in fall 2018. Your gifts have made a significant impact on today's sisters who are living in our beloved chapter house. The alumnae and friends below represent those who contributed to Omicron in fall 2018. If an error has been made in recording your gift, we sincerely apologize. If corrections to your record are needed, please contact us at Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi, P.O. Box 1001, Columbia, MO 65205. Always Alpha Phi 2 W hen thinking back on her time in Omicron, Patricia Evans Markley '88 has a particular memory that sums up her love for Omicron. During the spring semester of her freshman year, Omicron played the sorority considered the best on campus at the time in the Greek Week mud volleyball tournament. The other sorority was taking the game very seriously, even yelling at each other to play harder. Patty remembers, "I looked around at my sisters, covered head to toe in mud, having fun and taking the appropriate level of seriousness that the game required (I mean seriously, it was mud volleyball), and realized at that moment that I had made the right choice pledging Alpha Phi." Many years later, Patty is still sure that Omicron was the right choice. She wanted to have a smaller group of friends and connections to make Mizzou seem smaller, and she ended up with sisters who have stayed friends long after graduation. "Some of my lifelong best friends are my pledge sisters. I know many people say that, but I'm coming up on 50 years old, and those women are the first ones I will reach out to when things are bad or good." Patty hopes today's undergraduates will make the most of their four years and enjoy all that Omicron and Mizzou have to offer. "You only have eight semesters, so please take advantage of it. It goes by so quickly, and you will never have this opportunity again to follow your passions, get involved, travel, study abroad, etc." She also advises that many people's interests change post- graduation, so don't fear picking the wrong degree. "Here's the secret: most people don't know what they want to be when they grow up, even well into their 20s, 30s, and 40s." After graduating with a B.A. in communication studies, Patty quickly got involved with politics, working in the Kansas City and Washington, D.C., offices of former U.S. Senator Jack Danforth. She then worked for the Union Station Assistance Corporation, the not-for-profit that restored KC's Union Station. Patty was a member of the Prairie Village, KS, City Council and served in many volunteer positions for 15 years while her two daughters were growing up. In 2016, Patty ran for and was elected to the Kansas House of Representatives, representing District 8. After serving one term, she is now a lobbyist for the Kansas Economic Progress Council. Patty and her husband, Brian Markley, an alumnus of Princeton and KU Law, have two daughters: Jane, who is a freshman at Princeton, and Ella, a junior at Blue Valley Northwest High School. You can connect with Patty at Omicron Still Right Choice for Patricia Evans Markley '88 Omicron Excels in Watchcare O m i c r o n h a s e a r n e d Alpha Phi's Excellence in Watchcare and Risk Reduction Award. The Omicron Chapter's Director of Watchcare grew her position to include an entire committee with representatives from each class. The Watchcare team makes genuine friendships and serves as mentors to many members. The team ensures women feel supported through difficult times with care packages and regular check-ins. In addition, the risk management and programming teams have made it a priority to implement and enforce risk management policies, as well as to instill personal safety and self-care programming into the chapter. Our past VP of Risk Management, Kinley Sweeten '16, made it her number one priority to ensure that every sister is looked after, cared for, and always within a safe environment.

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