Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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DECEMBER 12-18, 2018 UCW 19 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM LOUTRICIA NELSON, FTCC University Outreach Coordinator/Counselor and C-STEP Program Director. COMMENTS? Edi- tor@upandcomingweekly.com. 910-484-6200. EDUCATION C-STEP at FTCC helps dreams come true by LOUTRICIA NELSON The Carolina Student Transfer Excellence Program, or C-STEP, housed in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, seeks to admit, identify, enroll and graduate high-achieving, low- to moderate-income students transferring to Carolina from partner community colleges. In the spring of 2011, Fayetteville Technical Community College partnered with UNC- Chapel Hill and established this premier pro- gram on its campus. In my time as an advisor for this program, I have encountered many inspir- ing, intelligent and dedicated students. One such student is Saru Rayamajhi. Currently a nursing major at UNC-Chapel Hill, Rayamajhi first entered C-STEP at FTCC in 2016. Her dedi- cation, tenacity and enthusiasm earned her the award of the James M. Johnston Undergraduate Nursing Scholarship and the Carolina Covenant Scholarship, positioning her to graduate from undergraduate and nursing school debt-free. In a conversation following her white coat cer- emony, Saru attributed her success to the continued support she received during her time as a student at FTCC, which helped her successfully transition to UNC-Chapel Hill. Saru's success is primarily the result of her own willpower, and I have been fortu- nate and honored to be a part of her journey. As a C-STEP advisor, I experience — through the eyes of my students — the thrill of seeing what this program offers. I experience the students' excite- ment when they visit the Carolina campus and begin to paint the canvas of their journey with whatever dreams they envision. I see firsthand the motivation of C-STEP students as they continually strive to do their best to live up to what it means to be a Carolina student. And while these experiences certainly motivate me, I am most appreciative of the strong bonds that form year after year with FTCC C-STEP students. Often, FTCC C-STEP students represent indi- viduals from different backgrounds and cultures, yet all sharing a common goal: attending UNC- Chapel Hill. C-STEP students share experiences with each other that last a lifetime. They dem- onstrate their allegiance through the personal bonds they form with each other, and they equally pledge their allegiance to the C-STEP program. Former students encourage incom- ing cohorts by filling them in on what to expect and by reaching out to provide post-grad opportunities for C-STEP students. The advantages offered to C-STEP students go beyond providing them with admission into UNC-Chapel Hill. C-STEP is an all-encompass- ing program that allows students the oppor- tunity to gain extensive knowledge about the campus, meet key individuals who will assist them when they arrive and share meaningful camaraderie with likeminded individuals. Each year when I send an FTCC C-STEP student to UNC-Chapel Hill, I emphasize that the FTCC relationship never ends. FTCC is helping dreams come true through the C-STEP program. Students interested in obtaining more informa- tion regarding C-STEP should contact me, univer- sity outreach coordinator, at nelsonl@faytechcc.edu or 910-678-8205. Saru Rayamajhi entered C-STEP at FTCC in 2016. She worked hard and earned two scholarships that will enable her to graduate debt-free. Distribution Driver Needed For Wednesday distribution route Must have vehicle, valid driver's license and insurance Email a brief work history & contact information to: laurel@upandcomingweekly.com CONTACT: Laurel Handforth Distribution Manager 910.484.6200