Up & Coming Weekly

November 27, 2018

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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20 UCW NOVEMBER 28-DECEMBER 4, 2018 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM THE BUZZ A little taste of Christmas by LAURA BOARTS Now that we've put the fall decora- tions away, I've got a confession to make. Just a forewarning — I may get shunned or bullied for this confes- sion. You may even stop reading this after I bare my soul in just a few sen- tences. This has been on my heart for a while, and I must get it off my chest ... right here, right now. I am not a fan of pumpkin spice. There. I said it. I can hear you gasping, your neck creaking ever so quietly as you shake your head in disapproval — I know I'm in the minority. I'm so thankful we're past that time of year where you can't escape all the advertisements for this epitome of fall delicacies. You've got the ever-popular Can't- Wait-Until-Fall-It's-July-But-I-Need- My-Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte (that's the full title, it just won't fit on the menu). Then there are the pumpkin spice cakes, cookies, coffee creamer, donuts — every brand hav- ing its own variation of this seasonal phenomenon. There's pumpkin spice Cheerios, Mini Wheats or Special K cereal; Triscuits, yogurt, marshmallows, bagels, Jell-O, milk, chocolates — the list goes on. Even Easter seasonal treats are jealous of all of this fall- themed attention — there's now pumpkin spice Peeps available at a store near you. It's quite ridiculous. But now? The Christmas season is when seasonally themed food actu- ally shines. It's peppermint season, and I'm gunning for that peppermint mocha creamer in my daily cup — er, cups — of coffee every morning. Peppermint in my diffuser, pepper- mint hand soaps and candles galore. Andes Mints no longer have to hide behind their green wrappers. We all know if the wise men had been in possession of Andes Mints, they would have brought the pepperminty chocolates to the manger for Baby Jesus that first Christmas. Ho-ho-ho, y'all, a peppermint Christmas to all, and to all a good night. Somehow, peppermint echoes this time of year so perfectly. It's invigo- rating, like the chill in the air on a winter's day, yet cozy, complementing all the fresh greenery adorned with lights or mixing in nicely to a cup of hot cocoa. And it's perfect alongside a hefty helping of Christmas music. That's where WCLN Christian 105.7 comes in. This Christmas season, WCLN is playing Christmas favorites 24/7 — but it might sound a little dif- ferent than what you're used to. Songs about snow and Santa might get old quickly, and this station does play a few of those, too, but WCLN's staff believes the freshness of the sound of Christmas comes in the message. Hear the good news this Christmas season: How Jesus came to Earth, wrapped in skin — the best gift of all, the most needed gift of all, the most glorious, life-giving gift of all. So, download the WCLN app, turn it on in the car, at home or wherever you can find a radio, and celebrate Jesus with us. And, I must say — if WCLN had a flavor, it would most definitely be peppermint. LAURA BOARTS, Music Director, WCLN. Comments? Editor@upandcomingweekly. com. 910-484-6200. Somehow, peppermint echoes this time of year so perfectly. Photo by Rob Sarmiento on Unsplash.

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