Up & Coming Weekly

November 27, 2018

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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10 UCW NOVEMBER 28-DECEMBER 4, 2018 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM JUN 16 JUN 27 U P C O M I N G E V E N T S 159 MAXWELL STREET, FAYET TEVILLE (910) 483-8133 | FAYBIZ.COM JUN 30 N O V 29 Business After Hours Sponsored by Sherri's Crowning Glory 500 N. Mcpherson Church Rd. 5:30 PM D E C 4 Small Business Networking Breakfast Sponsored by Up & Coming Weekly 159 Maxwell St. 8:30 AM D E C 7 Martinis & Mistletoe Presented By Two Men & A Truck 536 Eastern Blvd. 6:00PM FIND OUT WHO HAS THE BEST MARTINI IN FAYETTEVILLE The signature Christmas Party of the year featuring the competition to crown the "Best Martini in Fayetteville" presented by Two Men & A Truck, will be held on December 7th at the Cape Fear Botanical Gardens. Local bars and restaurants will enter their best martini for attendees to sample and vote on. There is also a competition for the "Best Decorated Bar"; both are People's Choice awards. A cash prize will be awarded to the winning bartender and the winning Restaurant/ Bar gets "Best Martini of 2018" plaque. "Martinis & Mistletoe can serve as a great corporate holiday party," said Christine Michaels, Chamber President & CEO. "Why not treat your employees and customers to a cocktail party where their taste buds really count! Companies can also participate by attaching their name to a bar in sponsorship, and if their bar wins, they can join them onstage for the accolades. Sponsorship opportunities, corporate tables and individual tickets are available at www.faybiz.com under events. Admission is all inclusive with martini sampling, heavy hors d'oeuvres, along with a dessert bar and a coffee bar, plus a ballot to vote for your favorite mix. Guests can have photos with a real-life Santa, courtesy of Sherri's Crowning Glory. To make sure everyone can thoroughly enjoy the event, "we want to make sure we have responsible consumption, and we are encouraging the use of Uber, taxis and designated drivers for the evening," Michaels said. Bars, restaurants and caterers interested in participating should contact Taneshia Kerr, Director of Marketing and Events, at taneshia@faybiz.com. Martinis & Mistletoe Presented by Two Men & A Truck Friday, December 7th 6-11PM Cape Fear Botanical Gardens

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