Pi Kappa Alpha - Mississippi State University

Fall 2018 Newsletter

Gamma Theta Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Mississippi State University

Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/1028585

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FOLLOW US ONLINE at Mississippi State Celebrating Ninety Years Gamma eta House Corporation Mississippi State University P.O. Box 1043 Starkville, MS 39760 Address Service Requested 1 9 27 20 1 7 E N S U R I N G O U R F U T U R E A L E G E N D A R Y P A S T Gamma Theta Relaunches Website Visit Us Online - gammathetapikes.com f Pi Kappa Alpha Mississippi State l @PiKA_Gammaeta i missstatepikes O ver the summer, the chapter successfully relaunched our website, www.gammathetapikes.com. As we work to keep the website up to date, we ask that our alumni assist us in generating new content. Do you have news you would like to share or a photograph of the latest alumni reunion? Please feel free to send suggestions and entries to Jay Cook '02 at jaycook@bankcom.com for a chance to be featured. You're Invited! Gamma Theta Hosts Alumni Event for MSU vs. UF Game When: Friday, September 28 7-11 p.m. Where: Pike chapter house Food, drinks, and entertainment by the Flames will all be provided. See you there!

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