CityView Magazine

May/June 2018

CityView Magazine - Fayetteville, NC

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Meet our team of subspecialized Radiologists! Larra Ashley Creech, NP Lisa Oakley, PA Mark Zalaznik, MD Terri Zacco, DO Grant Yanagi, MD James Shearer, MD Richard Roux, MD Leroy Roberts Jr., MD Tereza Poghosyan, MD Ellie Pack, MD Ali Nasim, MD Walson Metzger, MD Murali Meka, MD Thomas Meakem III, MD Jeffrey Kotzan, MD Gretchen Green, MD David Fisher, MD Max Faykus, MD Richard Falter, MD Bruce Distell, MD Fred Caruso, MD George Binder, MD Demir Bastug, MD David Allison, MD Harry Ameredes, MD Main Office/Interventional Clinic Imaging Center in Angier Treatment for Peripheral Artery Disease Varicose Veins Spinal Injections for Pain Spinal Augmentation for Fracture Breast/Thyroid Biopsies Angiogram/Stent Placement CT MRI Ultrasound X-Ray/DEXA Digital and 3D Mammography WHAT WE DO... Expertise Makes the Difference for Our Patients! Women's Health Cardiovascular Neurological Nuclear Orthopaedic Abdominal Cancer Pediatric Interventional 3186 Village Dr. Suite 201 Fayetteville 910.486.5700 169 Rawls Rd. Angier 919.331.2001 Valley Radiology Meet our team of subspecialized Radiologists! Larra Ashley Creech, NP Lisa Oakley, PA Mark Zalaznik, MD Terri Zacco, DO Grant Yanagi, MD James Shearer, MD Richard Roux, MD Leroy Roberts Jr., MD Tereza Poghosyan, MD Ellie Pack, MD Ali Nasim, MD Walson Metzger, MD Murali Meka, MD Thomas Meakem III, MD Jeffrey Kotzan, MD Gretchen Green, MD David Fisher, MD Max Faykus, MD Richard Falter, MD Bruce Distell, MD Fred Caruso, MD George Binder, MD Demir Bastug, MD David Allison, MD Harry Ameredes, MD Main Office/Interventional Clinic Imaging Center in Angier Treatment for Peripheral Artery Disease Varicose Veins Spinal Injections for Pain Spinal Augmentation for Fracture Breast/Thyroid Biopsies Angiogram/Stent Placement CT MRI Ultrasound X-Ray/DEXA Digital and 3D Mammography WHAT WE DO... Expertise Makes the Difference for Our Patients! Women's Health Cardiovascular Neurological Nuclear Orthopaedic Abdominal Cancer Pediatric Interventional 3186 Village Dr. Suite 201 Fayetteville 910.486.5700 169 Rawls Rd. Angier 919.331.2001 Valley Radiology

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