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WHAT'S INSIDE 3 E. coli & Salmonella notices 4 Blook Drive 6 Editorial 7 Letters to the Editor 8 Earth Day 8 Travel ID 9 Restaurants 9 Don't feed the wildlife 10 Boards dissolved 11 The Salvation Army Happenings 12 AWC Featured Alumni 13 Traffi c Stop 13 Grubstake donations 15 Nancy's Kitchen 16 Travelogue 17 Police Arrest Report 18 Churches 20 Puzzles 22 Classifeds 22 Paul Winer's Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, April 18, 2018 VOL. 14 # 277 Now in our 14 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! April Police Arrest Report Paul Winer's Cartoon SEE TORCH RUN PAGE 4 Special Olympics Torch Run May 2 Council Member Kinkade dies at 80 The Quartzsite Police Department (QPD) invites the public to come out and support the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics on Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018. This is QPD's fi fth offi cial run, who will escort the Special Olympic Torch through the Town of Quartzsite by running, walking and riding bicycles. Offi cers from QPD and other Public Safety agencies will be running and carrying the torch starting approximately 7am at the Fire Sta- tion. Participants are encouraged to arrive by 6:45am The Torch will be escorted south on Highway 95/Central Blvd., then east on Main Street, ending at Riggles Road. The Torch will be escorted to the next leg where it will be handed off to Maricopa County Sheriff's Offi ce. The Torch Run program began in 1981, when Wichita, Kansas Chief of Police Richard LaMunyon saw an urgent need to raise funds for and increase awareness of Special Olympics. The idea was simple: provide local law enforcement with opportunities to volunteer with Special Olympics in communities where the offi cers lived and worked. The Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) for Special Olympics is an international series of torch relays, sports-based awareness events, and fundraisers run by law enforcement offi cers. Events support athletes leading up to each state's or nation's Summer Games. Law enforcement offi cers raise money in conjunction with respective torch runs for their lo- cal Special Olympics programs. Throughout the course of the Torch Run, participants collect contributions from individuals and businesses, asking to help Jerald "Jerry" Lee Kinkade passed away peacefully at his home in Quartzsite with his loving wife by his side at 4:45PM on Thursday, April 5th, 2018. Kinkade was elected to Quartzsite Town Council during the August 30th primary in 2016 winning the most votes. Kinkade was sworn in November, 2016. "Jerry was also quite proud to serve on the Quartzsite Town Council contributing to the success of the community he loved so much." There will be a remembrance and celebration of Jerry's life at 2 o'clock on Thursday, April 19th at Covenant Lutheran Church in Quartzsite.