Indiana Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Purdue University
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R oger Gatewood '68 has many fond memories of SAE at Purdue, starting with the first time he met his Indiana Beta brothers. During recruitment, he knew this group of young men would be the ones he called brothers from that point on. "It's a very unique experience, being in a fraternity," Roger said. "You're living in a fairly expensive house and dealing with many personalities all while focusing on school. But it allows you to grow and develop skills through countless leadership opportunities. I, along with many of my brothers, took away so much from these leadership positions, which helped with our successes later in life. I hope the undergraduates and future SAEs take advantage of them as well." In line with thinking about the future of Indiana Beta is Roger's commitment to the capital campaign. When the chance to give back some of what he got out of his experience, Roger didn't hesitate. "In life, you encounter several institutions that make a significant impact on you. SAE Indiana Beta was one for The SPrinG 2018 A TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE - The Campaign for Indiana Beta Lion's TaLe (Continued on page 3) COME SEE, COME CELEBRATE, COME RENEW House Dedication and 125th Anniversary Set for October 19-21 O ur renovation has created buzz throughout campus and the undergraduates are very proud of their new house. We have also seen an uptick in recruitment with the excitement surrounding the facility. This fall we will finish with the second phase of the project and will dedicate the house. Many of us have looked forward to this for several years! COME SEE I truly hope all of you will come see what your generous dollars have accomplished. For those of you waiting to participate in this campaign, it is equally important for you to come see the improvements. Please make it a priority to stop by the house during one of your trips to Purdue this fall for a football game. Introduce yourself to the actives and let them show you around. Tell them a couple of your fond memories. COME CELEBRATE The fall highlight will be our dedication weekend and 125th anniversary celebration, October 19-21. I truly hope all of you can celebrate with us that weekend. We will host tours of the new house, tailgates for the football game against Ohio State, and a celebration banquet. I cannot think of a better or more important place to be than at 406 Littleton in West Lafayette that weekend. COME RENEW I believe you will find the physical remodel to be terrific. It is bound to set the course for SAE on the Purdue campus for years to come. The many generous gifts we have, and continue to receive, are very gratifying to me as campaign chairman. I thank all of you for giving me the opportunity to do this job and the chance to renew my connection with so many brothers. I really look forward to seeing you at the dedication as you come renew your connection to Purdue SAE and your brothers. The weekend will be a lasting memory! JOIN THE CAMPAIGN WITH A PLEDGE TODAY Our campaign continues to make progress. We are currently at the halfway mark toward our $5 million goal. It is very important to reach our campaign goal to ensure the construction loan is completely paid and planned for and to ensure we can build a maintenance endowment. Working together to accomplish this goal is very important in reducing the amount of debt service incurred and ensuring we set the chapter up for success in the coming years. Doing this requires the support of all alumni. Please do your part today and join me in supporting this campaign. And I hope to see you in October. Come see, come celebrate, and come renew with Purdue SAE! Phi Alpha, Wayne McIntyre '64 Campaign Chairman (408) 930-1438 Campaign StatuS at-a-glanCe As of March 16, 2018 $5 million FundraiSing goal $2,504,876 in ContributionS 168 pledgeS to date Want to make your gift online? Visit to make your gift or pledge today! Preserving the Future of Purdue SAE