Desert Messenger

March 07, 2018

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WHAT'S INSIDE 3 Party in the Park 3 Alamo Lake Water release 4 Easter Egg Hunt 5 Quartzsite Off Road 6 Editorial 7 Letters to the Editor 8 Museum Updates 8 Art Guild Updates 11 Restaurants 12 Around Town 13 The Salvation Army Happenings 15 QIA Bingo Donations 16 Chamber Membership Drive 21 Salome High School Updates 21 Music in the Desert 22 Police Arrest Report 22 Herb Mama 24 In Memorium 26 Churches 29 Classifeds 29 Paul Winer's Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, MA RCH 7, 2018 VOL. 14 # 274 Now in our 14 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! Paul Winer's Cartoon Show Me Ride planned March 17 Looking for new trails to ride? Are you new to off-highway vehi- cle scene in Arizona? Have you recently purchased an ATV, UTV, or dirt bike and want to know where to ride? The Arizona Off- Highway Vehicle Ambassadors are offering a chance for you to come out, meet us and get to know some new riding areas. The Arizona Sunriders ATV/UTV Club will host a free "Show Me Ride" on March 17th. The event is held in conjunction with the Arizona State Parks and Trails OHV Ambassadors and The La Paz Regional Tourism Team at the Quartzsite Improvement Associa- tion (QIA) located at 235 E. Ironwood. The Diablo Canyon Ride will leave 10 am. Staging is at 9am; please ar- rive at the staging at least 30 minutes prior to the ride start time. Dry camping and staging is available for free. The ride will pass the Pet Cemetery and the Medicine Wheel. Riders will proceed into Diablo Can- yon for an ascent through the hills on a fun ride; then into a rocky, but passable wash; then onto a ridge- line with great views. Riders will ascend out of the canyon to the Dome Basin Mine, where the rid- ers will have lunch. Then southeast along the foot of the Dome Rock Mountains over varied terrain of bedrock, rocks, washes, scree and slopes, along the very challenging Bob Craig Trail. Riders plan on re- turning to QIA around 4pm. There will be a full course Prime Rib Dinner served at the QIA for only $12/person which also includes fea- tured entertainment b y Dave and Vicky at Desert Sky Theater. Tickets can be purchased at the QIA Offi ce Monday thru Friday 9am - noon. For more information, contact Bruce Fuller at 208-631-9531, For Ride res- ervations visit www.QuartzsiteOff "Show Me Rides." New Race comes to Quartzsite March 10 & 11 Arizona Offroad Promotions (AZOP) is hosting Q-Town Grand Prix off road race Saturday and Sunday, March 10 & 11, 2018. AZOP will provide two days of motorcycle, quads and UTV racing. The new race track is being built at the Main Event Showplace at the far end of W. Main Street, Quartzsite. On Tuesday, February 27th, Quartzsite Town Council approved the use of town equipment for grading and dust control assistance with stipulations and fees to be worked out by Town Manager Jim Ferguson. AZOP co-owners Kyle Krause and Richie Rees state they have over 50 years of combined racing experience having raced all types of Mo- torcycle and ATV racing from Baja to Enduros, Motocross to Endur- ance Races. Arizona Off-Road Promotions' mission is to promote friendly, family oriented and FUN racing safely throughout Arizona and the surrounding areas. Races on both Saturday and Sunday start at 7:30am. People of all ages and skill levels from 4 to 70 years old may be racing. The races and courses are designed specifi cally to allow riders of all ages and skill levels to have a good time. Fees for the public are $10/day for adults, $5 for children (under 5 for free.) For more information visit

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