Desert Messenger

February 07, 2018

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WHAT'S INSIDE 3 GOLD SHOW 4 Health Dept. Service Animals 5 Walk in the Past 8 Volunteers 9 Paul Winer concert 10 Letters to the Editor 11 Restaurants 12 Around Town 13 The Salvation Army happenings 14 Paul Winer Documentary 15 Museum Updates 15 Art Show 16 Music in the Desert 19 Panhandling Awareness 24-25 Quilt Show Winners 30 Featured Artist 35 In Memorium 36 Assessor's Corner 38 Churches 41 Salome High 42 Nancy's Kitchen 42 Herb Mama 44 Photos 45 Classifeds 45 Paul Winer's Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, February, 2018 VOL. 14 # 272 Now in our 14 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! February M��� T������� � L��� S������� ����� | S������ �� D����� M�������� Hi Jolly Documentary debuts Wed. Feb. 21 A new documentary takes a closer look at Hi Jolly, the Legendary Camel Driver who died in Quartzsite. The fi lm was produced by Egrikapı Production, written and directed by Mert Turk- oglu, which is about the life of a real hero who has shaped the American history, is getting ready to meet its audience at Quartzsite, Ari- zona on Wednesday, February 21th, 2018. The highly anticipated premiere will be held at the Quartzsite Improvement Assoc. (QIA) starting at 7pm. This is a free event. Haci Ali is a legend, who landed in America when he was just a 22-year old Ottoman sol- dier in 1857. He had become famous for his magical infl uence on camels. Hi Jolly was the leader of the camel battalion in the U.S. Army in order to get through the challenging climate conditions in the South. Hi Jolly, which means debonair, joyous person, served the government of United States of America for 30 years. The fi lming of the documentary began in Quartzsite last summer working closely with Lynn Stimpson of the Quartzsite Historical Society. With a crew of 10 people for 15 days it was completed in Cappadocia, Turkey. The fi lm includes some unknown facts about Hi Jolly told by Quartzsite Mayor Norman Simpson, American history war expert Prof. Daniel Lynch, retired colonels, local residents and miners. Quartzsite Town Manager Jim Ferguson said, "We are honored by [Turkoglu's] willingness to share the documentary with the Community of Quartzsite." He continued, "It is exciting in the trailer for the Documen- tary, to see Hadji Ali come to life. The quality of the production makes it a fi lm that will live on for many years in the hearts of the patrons that will see it." The true story of Hi Jolly is being revealed for the fi rst time in this documentary. He has become a folk hero in a short time. Mert Turkoglu researched Hi Jolly for many years, tracking down the history before fi lming began. The producer of the documentary is Ilkem Sahin-Egrikapı Production and the executive producer is Emre Oskay. Turkoglu told Desert Messenger, "The story of Hi Jolly is also going on to the cinema. The movie, whose production will be initiated after the release of the documentary, will be fi lmed in Izmir, Los Angeles and Quartzsite, Arizona." The Hi Jolly Tomb at the Cemetery is the second most visited destination in the state of Arizona, following the Grand Canyon. Be sure to mark your calendar for this special event! 7pm Wednesday, February 21st at the QIA! "Hi Jolly found his way to Quartzsite and became our camel driver," said Ferguson. The trailer for the documentary can be viewed online at

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