Desert Messenger

January 03, 2018

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WHAT'S INSIDE 4 Soup & Chowder Festival 7 New Christy Minstrels 9 Sweet Pie Documentary 10 Letters to the Editor 11 Restaurants 12 Around Town 14 Blood Drive 14 Council Vacancy 19 The Salvation Army happenings 24-25 Prospectors Panorama 27 Service Animals 28 New Year's Hike 29 Authors Fair 33 Walk in the Past 34 Quilt Show 35 Memorial 42 Nancy's Kitchen 42 Herb Mama 45 Classifeds 45 Paul Winer's Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, January 3, 2018 VOL. 14 # 270 Now in our 14 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! January 3 Quartzsite Art Guild's Southwestern Roundup Art Show and Author Signing January 12 & 13 The Southwestern Roundup Art Show will be held at the Senior Cen- ter 40 Moon Mountain Ave. Quartzsite, AZ. 9 a.m. -3 p.m. 10% of sales plus raffl e fund help to support our community charities. The show plans to spread out among both rooms at the Senior Center with new works of art. With the Southwestern theme, Sheriff Butch Klein (Leonard) and Buck Connors (Mayor Norm Simpson) will be giving out the Door Prizes awarded each half hour from the free ticket distributed at the door. A chance to win with your purchased ticket, raffl e prizes, including $50 in gold coins from the gold panning ex- perts. Authors from the local area will have their latest editions avail- able and signing upon request. Play the Artist Scavenger Hunt Game and receive an additional door prize ticket and chance to win. This is an opportunity to match the Artist with a hidden item painted within the paintings. Artists not yet signed up can do so by contacting Oney Budge @ 208-317-2315 or Linda Klein @ 509-475-9600. Jury is re- quired, fee of $20.00 for non art guild members. No jewelry or crafts please. The show supports the La Paz County Passport to explore La Paz County , Come see us we appreciate our visitors. Art Show Jan. 12 & 13 The Annual Hi Jolly Daze Parade is planned for Saturday, January 6th, 2018. Line up is at 10am at the Fire Station. Parade starts at 11am and ends with food and ac- tivities at the Community Center. The Quartzsite Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism and Town of Quartzsite is sponsoring the event and invites everyone to be part of the celebration of Quartz- site's annual parade. The theme is Find Your Adven- ture! So get your party hats on and come out and enjoy the day! Drive your car, ATV, RV, or walk the dog; gather your camels, fl oats, dance & music groups, ride your bike, and make this a great parade! Bring the whole family and friends for a fun time. This is a wonderful opportunity for busi- nesses to show off too! And entry is FREE! All groups, organiza- tions, businesses, individuals, are encouraged to participate. Everyone is invited to honor our past and our future. Following the parade, SKY- HAWK will be providing live music. Cactus Bar & Grill will be serving up delicious meals; His- torical Society will provide their famous Bake Sale, and more! The Hi Jolly Daze Parade and activities afterwards at Com- munity Center brings residents, businesses, organizations and our Winter Visitors together to celebrate our winter season and pay tribute to the man who made our area his home for fi fty years. In the mid 1850's Hadji Ali, better known as Hi Jolly, came with his camels to our desert area. He served the United States Army in an experiment to use the camels as beasts of burden. However, the camels were not compatible with the Army mules and the experiment was cancelled in 1864. However, Hi Jolly remained in our area until his death in 1902. In 1935 the Governor of Arizona dedicated a monument in his honor, at the site of his Quartzsite grave. This monument, known as "Hi Jolly's Last Camp" is one of the most visited spots in Southwest Arizona. It is newly registered as a Historic Site. Quartzsite is still to this day one Hi Jolly Daze planned for Jan. 6 of the most visited spots in Arizona. Parade entry forms are available at Town Hall, or Quartzsite Chamber & Tourism offi ce, located at 1240 W. Main Street, across from McDonald's. For more information call the new chamber at 928-927-5200.

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