Pi Kappa Alpha - Mississippi State University

Fall 2017 Newsletter

Gamma Theta Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Mississippi State University

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at Mississippi State Gamma eta Alumni Offered Second Matching Gi Opportunity Why We Must Reach Our Campaign Goal Celebrating Ninety Years W e are happy to report that Gamma eta is as strong as ever! e undergraduates are back on campus, they've recruited a great new pledge class, and they continue to make a positive impact in the Starkville and MSU communities. e Kathleen Craig Claiborne Chapter House is the envy of our campus and our undergraduate chapter continues to strengthen. Last October, we announced the Frankie Box '68 matching gi opportunity and met that challenge with success. To add to our strong momentum, a very generous anonymous brother issued a second $50,000 matching gi challenge. Our anonymous donor will match every new dollar donated to the campaign, up to $50,000, between now and March 1, 2018. e campaign stands to gain $100,000 ($50,000 in new gis matched by $50,000 from the challenge donor), which will bring us closer to our $1.5 million campaign goal. It speaks to the caliber of our chapter that we were able to offer this opportunity twice in our capital campaign. SUCCESS VITAL IN SECURING OUR FUTURE We are extremely grateful to the alumni who have gotten us to this point. Because of their generosity we are over halfway to our goal, and the matching gi challenge will really help this campaign. However, it is only with equally generous gis from the rest of our alumni that we can finish the campaign and ensure our chapter house is renovated to be competitive for the future. GAMMA THETA NEEDS YOU TO MAKE A PLEDGE In order to secure the full $50,000 match, that same amount of new donations MUST be pledged before the March 1 cutoff date. For those of you who have already contributed, please consider increasing or extending your five-year pledge by adding a sixth year to your commitment. If you have not given, we need you to now. Gamma eta is fortunate to have this wonderful opportunity for a second time, and broad participation is essential to the success of the challenge. Our chapter is indebted to our generous alumni. It is imperative that more brothers join our donor list to raise another $50,000 together. is campaign represents the opportunity to preserve for future generations the incredible legacy we were given 85 years ago. It is time to join together; our goal is achievable and within sight. I ask that all 1,500 Mississippi State Pikes make a pledge today. Fraternally, Turner A. Wingo '64 Campaign Co-Chairman (662) 312-7722 tawingo@msn.com Eddie Keith '67 Campaign Co Chairman (662) 617-2888 ekmstdog@gmail.com CAMPAIGN BOARD Campaign Chairmen: Turner A. Wingo '64, Eddie Keith '67. Campaign Committee: Jerry S. Lee '66, Jan L. Gwin '68, Charles T. Cumbaa '72, Ted W. Roman '73, Paul B. Murphy Jr. '79, Paul R. Snider '88, Bo Hemphill '91, Christopher L. Lewis '94, Ryan Saffle '00. 1 9 27 20 1 7 E N S U R I N G O U R F U T U R E A L E G EN D A R Y P A S T Campaign Status At-a-Glance As of October 18, 2017: Total Raised: $1,241,320 Number of Contributors: 191 Goal: $1.5 Million

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