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WHAT'S INSIDE 3 Christmas Parade 3 Santa's Workshop 4 Clean Up Days 5 Food Handler Classes 6 Editorial 7 Herb Mama 9 Restaurants 9 The Ham Shack 10 Blood Drive 10 Maggie & Gene's Adventures 13 QPD in the Pink 14 The Salvation Army happenings 15 Adventures with Rocks 16 Shop Small Saturday 16 Assessor's Corner 17 In Memoriam 19 Tiny House 19 Nancy's Kitchen 20 Churches 22 Classifeds 22 Paul Winer's Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2017 VOL. 14 # 264 Now in our 14 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! SEE POW WOW PAGE 8 QPD O������ H������ T���������� |�����|S���� B���C�� QPD gets new technology Parke, AZ - The 45th Annual Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT) Annual Pow Wow will be held Octo- ber 6 & 7 at Manataba Park, located at 2660 Mo- have Road, corner of 2nd Ave. & Hwy. 1. The Pow Wow is a popular event of CRIT Native Fair & Expo taking place Oct. 4-7. The public is welcome to all events. Absolutely No Alcohol or Drugs are allowed. $5 Admission fee. The carnival rides are extra. Gourd dancing starts Friday 6pm with Grand Entry at 7pm.¬ Saturday Gourd Dancing is from 11am-noon, with Grand Entry at noon. There is a supper break from 3:30-5pm. Gourd dancing starts at 5pm, with the evening Grand Entry at 7pm. MC is Bobby White- bird; Headman is Mario Sanchez; Head Woman is Genevieve Lemaster; Arena Director is Christ Dinehdeal; Head Gourd is Monty Williams. Head Southern Drum is So-Ex Style and Head Northern Drum is WhiteCloud. Quartzsite Police Department (QPD) hosted a ceremonial rollout Arizona Au- tomobile Theft Authority (AATA) donated 4-door Chevy Tahoe SUV on September 21, 2017 at Town Hall. Among those in attendance were AATA Director Freder- ick Zumbo, La Paz County Tony Rogers; QPD Offi cer Hilario Tanakeyowma, QPD Police Chief William Ponce, Quartzsite Town Manager Jim Ferguson, and Parker Police Chief Clay Romo, and Quartzsite Council Member Starr BearCat. This vehicle was purchased and equipped through a grant from the Arizona Auto- mobile Theft Authority. This newest ad- QPD O������ H������ T���������� QPD O������ H������ T���������� |�����|S���� B���C�� CRIT Pow Wow Oct. 6-7 The CRIT Royalty Pageant will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, October 4th and 5th. Eight young women and girls will compete for the titles of Miss Colorado River Indian Tribes, Junior Miss CRIT and Little Miss CRIT. Thursday events include Fair gates opening at 2:30pm. Midway opens at 3pm. Grand opening is at 5pm. Exhibit hall is open 3-9pm. Tug-o-War is at 3pm. Free Community Dinner is at 4pm at Tin Shed. Fun Walk Run signup is 6pm; starts at 6:45pm. Game show stage is at 6pm. Miss CRIT is at Manataba Park Stage, 7pm. Friday events include Exhibit Hall is open noon- 9pm. The Children's Traditional Regalia Contest will be held Friday at 4 p.m. The young models will show off their hand-made Mohave, Chemehuevi, Hopi and Navajo traditional clothes, helping to preserve the clothing-making skills for generations of future tribal members. dition to the fl eet comes as good news for Quartzsite Police offi cers, who have had to struggle with a shortage of dependable vehicles to perform their duties and keep us all, residents and tourists safe. This grant was awarded for the purpose of combating vehicle theft within the Ari- zona borders, as well as recovering stolen vehicles throughout the United States. To do this, the vehicle has been equipped with the latest state of the art technology and license plate reader to aid in locating stolen vehicles passing through Quartzsite and La Paz County. SEE QPD PAGE 8