The North Carolina Mason

September/October 2017

North Carolina Mason

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Michael Harding photos The Mason Official Publication of e Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina Volume 142 Number 5 Oxford, North Carolina September/October 2017 NORTH CAROLINA ■ see ANNUAL page 2 By Beth Grace Mason Editor North Carolina Freemasons mixed busi- ness with brotherhood and charity at the 230 th Annual Communication, selecting new leadership for a new year, rejecting code amendments seeking a per capita increase and opening lodge on the First Degree, and collecting food for the hungry and thousands of dollars for victims of recent hurricanes. ey also got a welcome chance to have their say on the more controversial issues up for vote. "I am extremely proud of the way we did Grand Lodge this year, because I feel like the Craft were heard" said Grand Master Gene Cobb (at right). "ey got to talk about things – probably longer than some people were comfortable listening – but they got to share their feelings and I let them do it, every one of them. "I told them I was prepared to stay there till midnight if they wanted to. I am proud that we did that and of the assistance I received from past grand masters, from the brethren and from Grand Secretary Walt Clapp." The votes are in! North Carolina Masonry celebrated a successful 230th Annual Communication at Winston-Salem in September. NC Masons provide aid, choose leaders ELECTED Hallman to be new Grand Master RECOGNIZED Lion & Pillar Lodges receive awards AMENDMENTS What was passed, what died on the floor MORE INSIDE

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