Desert Messenger

September 6, 2017

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3 9/11 Special Ceremony 5 Volunteers head to Texas 6 Editorial 7 Letters to the Editor 7 Solar Eclipse 9 Restaurants 9 Ham Shack 10 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 14 The Salvation Army happenings 15 Adventures with Rocks 16 Sherri's Turn 16 Salome High updates 17 Tiny House 17 Nancy's Kitchen 18 Puzzles 20 Churches 22 Classifeds 22 Paul Winer's Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2017 VOL. 14 # 262 Now in our 14 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! Paul Winer's Cartoon WHAT'S INSIDE HCB supports Hunger Action Month in Quartzsite SEE HCB PAGE 19 ����� | S������ �� D����� M�������� Quartzsite Mayor Norm Simpson with Chamber & Tourism's Monica Timberlake at the Quartzsite booth at League of AZ Cities & Towns Annual Conference SEE CONFERENCE PAGE 19 ����� | S���� B���C�� Quartzsite Officials Gather in Oro Valley for League of AZ Cities & Towns Annual Conference | S���� B���C�� Quartzsite, Ariz. – More than 1,000 city and town offi cials, legisla- tors, business leaders and guests from across the state gathered in Oro Valley last week for the League of Arizona Cities and Towns Annual Conference, held August 22-25 at the Hilton El Conquista- dor in Oro Valley, AZ. ����� | S������ �� D����� M�������� Horizon Community Bank to work with Friends of the Quartzsite Food Bank during Hunger Action Month Nearly one in four children in La Paz County are "Food Insecure" meaning they don't always know where their next meal is coming from. With little money to spare for food, many in our com- munity — friends, family, coworkers — often go with- out food for meals at a time and have no other choice than to purchase the cheapest, sometimes expired, groceries to feed themselves and their families. Children who face hunger are more likely to struggle in school and experience developmental setbacks. Kids who struggle to get enough to eat also face high- er risks of health conditions like anemia and asthma.

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