Up & Coming Weekly

August 29, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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12 UCW AUGUST 30 - SEPTEMBER 5, 2017 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM North Carolina Emergency Man- agement, the governor's office and the Department of Commerce have allocated nearly $35 million in Com- munity Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery funds for Hur- ricane Matthew recovery projects in Cumberland County. e county and city of Fayetteville will co-host a pub- lic meeting to inform residents about proposed projects being considered for the program on Sept. 7 at 7 p.m. at the Department of Social Services office building, 1225 Ramsey St. In early October 2016, torrential rain from the hurricane caused devastating flooding in much of Fayetteville and Cumberland County. One week earlier, a record rainfall caused catastrophic, localized flood- ing and damages that were made worse by the hurricane. e city and county have identified unmet needs in the areas of housing, economic development, infrastruc- ture, resiliency, planning and capaci- ty. An estimated $10.5 million in dam- ages to owner-occupied homes is the biggest share of Community Develop- ment Block Grant money being made available to individuals locally. New construction funds in the amount of $13.5 million were allocated. e disaster recovery effort will assist residents who qualify under HUD's low-to-moderate income requirements who experienced sig- nificant damage as the direct result of Hurricane Matthew. e city and county have been informed that funds can be used only for specific disaster- related purposes. e law requires that grantees submit plans detailing their proposed needs as well as eligi- bility criteria. e top priority includes projects to repair owner-occupied homes, rental housing and to provide shelter for the homeless. Funds will also make it pos- sible for local governments to estab- lish a homeowner recovery program, small rental repair program, multi- family rental housing, small business recovery assistance, a day center and a homeless shelter. Assistant County Manager Tracy Jackson and Assistant City Manager Jay Reinstein said this collaborative effort will assist low- and moderate-income residents who ex- perienced major to severe damage as a result of Hurricane Matthew. It is also important to assist small businesses and farmers who are trying to get back on their feet and to rebuild community and support services facilities. e city and county submit- ted their initial plan to the state this month, and the formal proposal is due Sept. 15. e city of Fayetteville estimated authorized damages at $23.3 million. Cumberland County government estimated $11.4 million in damages. e public meeting to inform citizens who may qualify for the pro- posed CDBG-DR projects will be held in the DSS auditorium, 1225 Ramsey St., Sept. 7 at 7 p.m. NEWS More Aid for Hurricane Matthew Victims by JEFF THOMPSON JEFF THOMPSON, Senior News Reporter. COMMENTS? news@ upandcomingweekly.com. (910) 484-6200. In early October 2016, torrential rain from the hurricane caused devastating flooding in much of Fayetteville and Cumberland County. Advertising Grow Your Business For effective advertising, Call 910.484.6200 today! www.upandcomingweekly.com

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